Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

The agenda for this meeting will be published at least three days before the meeting.

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 4 June 2013

These minutes were approved on 10 July 2013

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.

Minutes of the meeting held on  4th June 2013 at St James Church, Avonwick

Mr Ross Kennerley, Natural Environment & Recreation Manager, SHDC, presented an update of the situation regarding the permissive path and the proposed new play park in Avonwick. He stated that the path was not a public footpath and is, therefore, incorrectly signed. The construction of the path was not agreed in advance with the District Council. Mr Kennerley will ensure that the path, its gates and landscaping are in accordance with the agreements made with Linden Homes. The progress with the Play Park is such that the developers are now able to enclose the park, create a new entrance and cut the grass in accordance with the agreements made with SHDC. Money (£30,983) is being held by the District Council to fund at least some equipment for the park. The ownership of the park will be transferred to an organisation (probably via the Parish Council) within ten years.


There were three members of the public present. Councillors agreed to attend a site meeting at Hepburn House to appraise plans for development there.

Knotweed was reported on the side of the Avonwick - South Brent road and between Bickham Bridge and Gara Bridge.

The newly resurfaced road at Bow Hill, Avonwick was about to be dug up for water main renewal! The road between Horsebrook and South Brent was reported to have a nasty ridge running across  it.

The Woodland Trust had trees available for use locally. It was agreed to request some.

It was reported that "wheelie bins" were being left in the road at times other than when due for emptying


Councillor Steer - Planning, Hepburn House.


Councillors Cooper, Hext, Hunt, Luscombe, Pearse, Seager-Berry and District and  Parish Councillor Steer.


County Councillor Vint.

The MINUTES of the meeting held on 7th May 2013 were confirmed and signed.


The Avonwick - South Brent road is to be closed for August to allow for repairs to the banks. There is still no news regarding the repairs to the Avonwick- Totnes road.


County Councillor Vint submitted a report detailing his work in so far as it related to the Parish. He  has been appointed to the Development Management Committee, the Place Scrutiny Committee and the Minerals & Waste Working Group.

Councillor Vint has received a request for funding from the Locality Budget from the Avon Vale Tennis and Croquet Club. As this club is a private one, the Parish Council felt unable to support the request.

District Councillor Steer reported on his work with the Planning Committee. Controversial issues included those relating to the siting of.a new travellers site at Woolwell and to those concerning renewable energy locations within the District.

Councillor Steer attended the Scrutiny Group vetting of Police Expenditure.

PC Hopper submitted the following report:

North Huish Parish Police Report 01/05/13- 31/05113

Crime Report

There was 1 crime recorded for the Parish in May 2013 and 3 incident (logs 2 relating to highway disruption).

21st May- Criminal Damage to motor vehicle (roof)


Keep your valuables safe

Marking your property makes them worthless to a thief as they are harder to sell on and it increases the chances of them being returned to you by police if they are lost or stolen.

You can security mark all valuables using various methods such as writing your house number and postcode on them with a UV pen and by registering them on the national database

Keep all windows and doors locked and secure - even when you are at home, but in the back garden - as it only takes a few seconds for someone to slip in and take something valuable.

Expensive items, such as laptops and mobile phones, should be kept away from clear view of windows.

For more advice on how to mark your property and protecting your home please visit

Police Street Surgery

Tell us your local concerns

Tuesday 18th June 2013, 0800-0900 outside The Village Shop Tuesday 2nd July 2013, 0800-0900 outside The Village Shop Tuesday 16th 2013, 0800-0900 outside The Village Shop


The Council objected to a request for an extension to an existing barn at Horsebrook, Avonwick, as it was felt that the proposed development, particularly the roofline, was not in keeping with the original barn.



Balance c/f 5,944.66
Income (precept) 906.00
Income (interest) 0.20
Balance c/f 6,850.86


This balance is made up as follows:


P3 money 149.40
Jubilee fund 1,684.05
Council funds 5,017.41
Total 6,850.86



The road surface on the Whetcombe - Brookdale road was still causing concern.

Councillors Cooper and Luscombe to attend a meeting with Highways to discuss traffic calming for Avonwick.


Wednesday 10th July 2013 at 7.30pm at St James Church, Avonwick.

Parishioners wishing to bring any matter before the Council should either attend an Open Forum (held at the start of all Council Meetings) or ask a Councillor to represent them.

Approved by DW HUNT on 10th July 2013