Parish Council meeting: Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Key information
Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick
Meeting time: 7.30 pm
The agenda for this meeting will be published at least three days before the meeting.
Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday, 10 July 2013
These minutes were approved on 3 September 2013
Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.
Minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2013 at St James Church, Avonwick
There were two members of the public present. A representative of De Mel Properties outlined to the Council proposals for the development of the Woodpecker site. The developers wish to construct 20 Live/Work units plus a reception area. The development would be aimed at those seeking to start up or "grow" their businesses.
Councillors were asked if they knew of anyone who would be willing to champion a quest for improved broadband within the parish. Those interested are asked to contact the Council.
Councillors Cooper, Hext, Hunt, Luscombe, Pearse, Seager-Berry and District and Parish Councillor Steer.
County Councillor Vint.
The MINUTES of the meeting held on 4th June 2013 were confirmed and signed.
There had been two meetings of the Play Park Committee. Considerable development had taken place. Designs for the play area are in preparation. These would allow for use of the capital funding available at present while leaving space for further development should additional cash become available. Alterations to the permissive path were under discussion. The removal of necessary trees to permit these alterations is to be undertaken by Devon Highways with the approval of the land owner.
Councillors had attended at site meeting at Hepburn House
Further information was sought by DCC Natural Environment concerning the report of Japanese knotweed within the parish.
County Councillor Vint had submitted a report of his work in so far as it related to the parish. Councillor Vint is a member of DCC's Place Committee. He recently attended a Scrutiny Induction Training session. He also attended a Renewable Energy Conference at lvybridge.
District Councillor Steer attended the Renewable Energy Conference at lvybridge. The question of solar panel and wind turbine farms is generating considerable opposition locally. Planning officers had been instructed to look very carefully at applications for further such development in order to avoid the problems of visibility of such schemes in this area of outstanding natural beauty which, in part, relies on its beauty to attract visitors.
A new site for travellers at Woolwell had received approval. The District Council would have five sites available there.
The Police report stated that there had been one crime committed within the parish during the previous month - that of burglary of an insecure dwelling. It was agreed to place PC Hopper's report on the notice board each month as it contains advice/information for all parishioners.
Councillors Cooper and Luscombe met with Mike Jones of Devon Highways to discuss plans for traffic calming in Avonwick. These should be put in place after the summer when holiday traffic would decline.
Councillors Luscombe and Steer attended a cluster meeting where they ensured that items of concern to the parish were aired. These included a request for funding from the New Homes Bonus towards the new play park.
Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows:
Letter from a parishioner objecting to the "proliferation" of solar panels. Noted. SHDC invitation to Neighbourhood planning workshop. Action Cllr Steer.
Balance c/f 6850.86 Income (interest) 0.24 Expenditure (insurance) 287.95 Balance c/f 6563.15
This balance is made up as follows:
P3 money 149.40 Jubilee fund 1684.29 Council funds 4729.46 Total 6563.15
The Highways department is aware of the problems on the Whetcombe - Brookdale road but does not, at present, have plans to deal with them.
The repairs to the edges of the Avonwick - South Brent road are now planned to take place in September.
Repairs are underway to the Avonwick- Totnes road.
The culvert on the Avonwick - North Huish road near Black Hall has still not received attention. Action clerk.
The road between Colmer Cross and Butterford Mill Gate will be closed at some time between 15th July and 30th November for surface dressing. Seven days notice will be given before work begins. Work will be carried out on trees in woodland bordering the Avonwick - South Brent road. This work is planned to coincide with the closure of the road for repairs to its bank.
An uneven road surface was reported where the gas main crosses the road at Beneknowle.
Progress on the planning for the new Play Park
Tuesday 3rd September 2013 at 7.30pm at St James Church, Avonwick.
Parishioners wishing to bring any matter before the Council should either attend an Open Forum (held at the start of all Council Meetings) or ask a Councillor to represent them.
Approved by MJ LUSCOMBE on 3rd September 2013