Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

The agenda for this meeting will be published at least three days before the meeting.

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 1 October 2013

These minutes were approved on 5 November 2013

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.


There were four members of the public present. Concern was voiced over the speed of traffic through Avonwick especially during the time of increased pressure on the road due to the closure of the South Brent road. It was suggested that the police could be approached to ask for temporary “Police Slow” signs to be put in place.

Ms L Granados gave the Council a detailed account of the new website that she had established for Avonwick and North Huish. The vice-chairman thanked her for all the work that she had done to bring about the website which can be accessed on

A parishioner asked whether anything could be done about the car that has been left outside the “Wheatsheaf” in Avonwick.

The Council was informed of designs for additions to a house at Horsebrook. The owner was thanked for bringing these to the attention of the Council and was told that they would be considered by the Council when officially submitted to the planning department.

Concern was raised over the amount of dog mess being left on the permissive path in Avonwick. It was noted that most of the mess appears to come from one dog and is located within fifty or so metres of the entrance to the path from the Higher Moor development. A request for a “doggy bin” to be located at that end of the path was suggested. The new South Hams District Council Dog Control Orders clearly state that a £80 Fixed Penalty Notice will be issued to offending dog owners with the option of a summons to the Magistrates Court.

Mr R. Kennerley of South Hams District Council gave the Council an update on the proposed play park situation. Progress is being made and a regular report will be made to the Council. It is hoped that the park will be up and running by Easter 2014

The Chairman welcomed County Councillor Vint to his first meeting of the Council and said that he would be most welcome to any future meetings that he is able to attend.


Councillor Seager-Berry declared an interest in matters concerning the play park.


Councillors Childs, Cooper, Hunt, Luscombe, Seager-Berry, District and Parish Councillor Steer and County Councillor Vint.


Councillor Pearse


The MINUTES of the meeting held on 3rd September 2013 were confirmed and signed.


The County highways department are to follow up reports of Japanese knotweed within the parish.


Councillor Vint reported that the cuts being experienced at County level will have a significant effect on the maintenance of roads within the county. It would seem probable that some roads will be deemed beyond repair and will then be left to become “green lanes”. Councillor Vint described proposals for improved communication between the County and Town/Parish Councils. He offered support from his locality budget for the new play park. He raised concern over the “rolling out” of broadband in the rural areas and suggested that those interested in receiving a better service should keep lobbying for it.

District Councillor Steer reported that he would also support the play area with funding from his locality budget. He told the Council that the Boundary Commission report should be made in October. Budget cuts at District level seem likely to cause up to 1 in 4 of the Council’s staff to be made redundant. He had recently attended a meeting concerning a proposed Solar Farm near Diptford and was now awaiting a planning application. He felt that the Marley Head wind turbine had been accepted by the local community.

The Police report stated that two crimes had been reported for the Parish in September 1) Theft of fuel from a tank and vehicle and 2) Burglary of a dwelling. Councillors were concerned that the Parish, which had been virtually crime free historically, seems to have become subject to a regular reporting of crime since earlier this year. Parishioners were urged to take all sensible precautions to avoid becoming victims of crime.


The Council had nothing to add to the proposals for development at Clunkamoor. The council did, however, have serious concerns over the manner in which its deliberations over planning were treated by the planning department at SHDC. A letter had been sent to the District Council concerning this.


Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows: Connecting Communities Network – noted.



Balance c/f 6563.59
Income (interest) 0.23
Balance c/f 6563.82


This balance is made up as follows:


P3 money 149.40
Parish Community P. F. 1684.96
Council funds 4729.46
Total 6563.82


It was agreed that the Jubilee Fund would henceforth be called the Parish Community Project Fund


Potholes were reported near the brow of the hill at Baron’s Hill. Concern was again raised over the “disappearing surface” to the culvert near Black Hall. Councillor Vint to follow up.


Tuesday 5th November 2013 at 7.30pm at St James Church, Avonwick.