Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

The agenda for this meeting will be published at least three days before the meeting.

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 1 April 2014

These minutes were approved on 6 May 2014

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.


There were three members of the public present. The council was presented with a letter from a parishioner which raised concern over the behaviour of members of a family living in the Higher Moor area of Avonwick. Examples of aggressive, threatening, anti-social behaviour together with those of causing malicious damage to property of common ownership and of causing danger to farm animals were listed. The council was informed that the police had been provided with this information and that they would take whatever action they deemed to be necessary.

It was also suggested that Devon and Cornwall Housing Association should be informed.

Damage to the surface of Cobbly Way was reported to have been caused by a vehicle using this bridleway. This information would be passed to the police. It was suggested that the local authority’s footpath officer should also be informed of this.


Councillors Cooper, Hunt, Luscombe, Pearse, Seager- Berry, District and Parish Councillor Steer and County Councillor Vint


Councillor Childs


The MINUTES of the meeting held on 4th March 2014 were confirmed and signed.


The clerk had written to the police requesting information regarding crime committed within the Parish. He had received no response. He was instructed to send copies of the letter to the Crime Commissioner, the Chief Constable and our local MP with a note saying how concerned the parish is over the apparent lack of interest shown by those policing the local area.

The dog warden had agreed to attend the meeting but was unavoidably detained at the last moment and could not attend. A further invite will be made for attendance at a future meeting.

The owner of the fridge located by the roadside in Avonwick had been asked if it could be removed.


County Councillor Vint reported that Diptford Short Mat Bowls Club had been granted 97% of its requested amount from TAP funding. North Huish PC had supported this request. He discussed ways in which the Parish Lengthsman could be best employed.  He alerted the Council to the need to appoint a representative of the Parish Cluster group to the Totnes on the Move committee. Councillor Vint told the Council of the work undertaken in Diptford to try to agree on a reclassification of road categories.   He also informed the Council of the closure of the Butterford Mill to Lupridge Cross road from 14th – 17th April for drainage works to take place.

District Councillor Steer reported on a meeting he had had with South West Water. He informed the Council that the culvert taking flood water from the Avon Inn area of Avonwick had now been cleared. The planning department was still receiving requests for solar farms. The Diptford solar panel application would be decided upon in the near future. He had attended an “Open Space” meeting which discussed the likely increase in open spaces to be funded by developers.

There was no information from the Police concerning crime within the area.


Approval had been given to the request for a barn reconstruction at Whetcombe Lodge.


Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows:

  1. SHDC – Transfer of Play Park land in Avonwick. Attn Clerk.
  2. Kings Solicitors – Transfer of Play Park land. Attn Clerk.
  3. DALC – Membership request. Declined.
  4. South Brent Parish Council Beating the Bounds (Diptford). Noted.



Balance c/f 7159.04
Exp. (locks/chains) 26.56
Income (interest) 0.22
Balance c/f 7132.70


This balance is made up as follows:


 P3 money 149.40
Community fund 1686.40
Council funds 5296.90
Total 7132.70



The hedge at Lower Clunkamoor had not been attended to. Attn Clerk.

Potholes/ruts were reported on the Brent road near the Turtley Mill.

An overgrown hedge was reported near the Turtley Mill.

An overhanging tree was reported at Langford Barton


Tuesday  6th May 2014 at 7.30pm at St James Church, Avonwick.

The AGM and the Annual Parish Meeting will take place before the Parish Council meeting.