Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

The agenda for this meeting will be published at least three days before the meeting.

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 1 July 2014

These minutes were approved on 2 September 2014

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.


There was one member of the public present.  The Council was updated on the work of the Flood Group. The continued success of the group was noted as was the recent appointment of Brian Dent as Chairman and Lyn Dent as Secretary. The presence of an old freezer at the side of the road in Avonwick continued to generate annoyance on the part of many parishioners. The clerk was asked to seek the assistance of the District Council in dealing with this. It was stated that visibility on the Ugborough road above the garage in Avonwick was being compromised by the parking of a coach. Action clerk.


Councillor Steer declared an interest in matters concerning planning.


Councillors Childs, Hunt, Luscombe, Seager-Berry and District and Parish Councillor Steer.


County Councillor Vint (attending other meetings), Councillors Cooper (attending an emergency group meeting) and Pearse


The MINUTES of the meeting held on 3rd June 2014 were confirmed and signed.


Action has now been taken concerning the Knotweed. Nothing has yet been done to repair the road near the Woodpecker. Action clerk.

Councillor Childs reported that the play park was now ready for use and would be opened as soon as SHDC put in place the necessary insurance. The bench would be put in place in the week following this meeting.

The Council was made aware of concern raised by parishioners living in North Huish over the proposed location of the new seat. It was decided that this should be investigated further.


District Councillor Steer reported on a number of site meetings that he had attended. These included a proposed site for forty new homes at Sparkwell where 50% of them would be “affordable”. Councillor Steer expressed the grave concern of SHDC over the lack of affordable homes within the District.


The Council gave its support to the request for the demolition of a dwelling and the erection of a  replacement dwelling at Higher Colmer, Modbury.


Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows:

  1. Empowering Parish Councils to sell electricity –noted.
  2. SHDC - The Play Area Agreement – accepted.
  3. Letter from The Village Hall Group. – Council agreed to support the group in its wish to hold        a BBQ on the play area site subject to the following conditions:- The Group arranges insurance to cover the event, no glass (bottles or glasses etc should be brought on site, the question of smoking on site should be addressed, thought should be given to the closing time of the event so as not to cause concern to neighbours and the Council would expect the site to be “left as found “ by the Hall Group committee.
  4. Letter from SHDC concerning Code of Conduct and Registers. Noted. Action clerk



Balance c/f 7,447.91
Income (106 money) 30,983.19
Income (interest) 0.72
Exp. (Insurance) 397.18
Exp (p park) 1,350.00
Balance c/f  36,684.64


This balance is made up as follows:


 P3 money 149.40
Council funds 36,535.24
Total 36,684.64



The Council was informed that some buddle holes had recently been cleared. It was felt that given the time on site even more could have been achieved. There has been no movement forward concerning the collapsing culvert at Black Hall, Avonwick


Tuesday 2nd September 2014 at 7.30pm at St James Church, Avonwick.