Parish Council meeting: Monday, 1 December 2014

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm


PDF of the Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Monday, 1 December 2014

Download the Agenda (PDF, 75.0 KB)

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Monday, 1 December 2014

These minutes were approved on 6 January 2015

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.

Mr T Pollard of the Natural Environment and Recreation Team SHDC addressed the Council. He described his work for the District Council and related it to his involvement with the Avonwick Play Park. Various documents relating to the installation, care and upkeep of the park were discussed. Mr Pollard suggested that the Parish Council was acting correctly in the way in which it was dealing with matters raised by the Allianz Insurance Company. He stressed that the Parish Council should always act reasonably and ensure that it was aware of the need to exercise a duty of care for those using the park, bearing in mind the degree of risk appropriate for children of the age for whom the park was constructed. He offered to attend an on-site meeting with Council representatives should the Parish Council feel it necessary.


Four members of the public were present. Questions relating to the Parish Council’s use of electronic mail and public accessibility to its documents were asked. These were taken forward to be answered during the meeting. The council was made aware of concerns over the proposed new mobile ‘phone mast at North Huish, (see planning). These concerns were given consideration during the meeting when planning matters were discussed.


Councillor Hunt declared an interest in planning “Electronic base station at Manor Farm, North Huish” and left the room while this was discussed. Councillor Seager-Berry declared an interest in financial matters “donation to Avonwick Church Council” and left the room while this was discussed.


Councillors Childs, Cooper, Hunt, Luscombe, Pearse, Seager-Berry and District and Parish Councillor Steer.


Given later by County Councillor Vint


The MINUTES of the meeting held on 3rd November 2014 were confirmed and signed.


The council was informed that the street light in North Huish was now being turned off from midnight to 5.30am to save electricity.




The Council heard that the proposal for an Electronic Base Station (mobile ‘phone mast) at Manor Farm, North Huish had support from parishioners in North Huish and also from Diptford. Concern was raised, however, over the visible effect of the mast on nearby buildings labelled as heritage assets and the belief that the mast will offer little more that exists already in terms of coverage. The question of whether the advantage gained by the mast outweighed the damage done to the environment was of concern. The Council agreed to object to the application in its present form and would suggest to the planning authority that the only way the mast would become acceptable would be if it provided 4G coverage and thus something of real benefit to the community.


The Council agreed to proceed with the setting up of a Parish Council Website This website would be at no cost to the Council. It would be used to display the minutes of Council meetings and other information relative to the work of the Council. It would also contain information relating to the provision of various facilities within the parish. The address is: [ADDRESS REMOVED DUE TO OBSOLESCENCE}


Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows:

Ms Granados - FOIA request. The availability of information available under the Council’s model publication scheme was explained.

Ms Granados - FOIA request. Ms Granados was informed that her information regarding the placing of information on the notice board was incorrect.

Ms Granados – Community Hall Residents Survey. Councillors would respond to this individually.

Ms Granados – Query concerning the accuracy of a reply given to Ms Granados by the clerk. Council supported the clerk’s reply and rejected the assertions made in this query.

Ms Granados -  Various questions answered as follows:

  1. Litter bin for the bottom of the permissive path in Avonwick being considered by Chris Milne of Pentland Estate Management.
  2. The Council have been told by its advisors that it is not a good idea to have a litter bin in the play park.
  3. Faulty gate is to be repaired. 4. The PCSO was pleased to be informed of possible malicious damage within the park and would monitor the park for any signs of antisocial behaviour there.

Mrs Hunt – Complaint that Parishioners were asked to leave to leave the October meeting to allow the meeting to continue in private.

  1. The meeting had been closed by the Chairman. After the meeting the clerk provided information from SHDC which the District Council required to remain confidential.
  2. Parishioners are being asked to inform the clerk, where possible before a meeting, of queries to be raised during the Open Forum. This would give Councillors the opportunity to gain the necessary information to provide accurate answers to questions raised.
  3. The authority used for our policies comes from documentation provided by the NALC, the LGA, the SBFE and the SLCC.
  4. The Council implements the Local Government Transparency Code 2014 by providing certain information to SHDC for inclusion on its website.

Ms Granados query. See response to Mrs Hunt item 2 above.

Sutcliffe Leisure request. Clerk to seek response from parishioner before answering this email.

Documents accepted by the Council and signed by the Chairman.

Mr Milford query - see answers given above (question 2 – Mrs Hunt) , also note entry re Parish Council Website above.


Balance c/f 7354.72
Income (interest) 0.24
Exp. (pp ins. Fee) 20.00
Balance c/f 7234.96

This balance is made up as follows:

 P3 money 149.40
Council funds 7085.56
Total 7234.96

The Council was given an update on the Play Park funding.


The need for the Avonwick – North Huish Cross road to be cleaned was stressed. Repairs were needed to the road from Clam cottage towards the bridge. The right of way across the private garden to the church yard at North Huish was reported as needing clearance.


Tuesday 6th January 2015 at 7.30pm at St James Church, Avonwick.