Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Key information

Meeting location: Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

The agenda for this meeting will be published at least three days before the meeting.

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 12 May 2015

These minutes were approved on 2 June 2015

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.


There were two members of the public present.  A report of dogs attacking sheep as made to the Council. This is the second time that dogs have been reported attacking sheep and ripping off their ears. The danger to the lives of dogs was stressed. It is known that, once undertaken, dogs will continue to carry out this form of attack. All Parishioners are asked to keep vigilant for any such occurrence within the Parish and to report it to the police. The clerk will handle such reports should the parishioner wish to remain anonymous. Dog owners are reminded that farmers are permitted to shoot any animal considered by them to be worrying sheep. Farm land should never be used as a dog exercising area. Local farmers have not and will not grant permission for such use of their fields.


The MINUTES of the meeting held on 7th April 2015 were confirmed and signed.


The new Jubilee for North Huish is now in place. Thanks were given to Councillor Luscombe and the clerk.  The Council was informed that the trees bordering Black Hall hill were inspected on a cyclical basis and that the height clearance did not apply to minor roads.


Councillor Vint brought to the attention of the Council recommendations for the future electoral arrangements for Devon County County Council. These are available on Comments on these recommendations should be made to the Local Government Boundary Commission by 6th July 2015.

District Councillor Steer outlined some of the many planning matters that are being considered.  Solar panels and wind turbines continue to occupy much of the planning authorities time. Councillor Steer also told the meeting of the reduced staffing levels at Folland House and of the intended appointment of new personnel.


The Council was informed that application for extensions to homes at Horsebrook House in Avonwick and Quarry House in North Huish had been granted. The Council had no comment to make over a request for a Solar Park at Place Barton Farm, Moreleigh.


Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows:

DCC P3 grant. Noted.

Diptford Parish Council TAP funding to be followed up by  Cllr Gabriel.

Diptford Parish Council. Dog fouling at Bickham Bridge.  Would those responsible please follow the laws on dog fouling and clean up after their animals.

Boundary Commission. See Councillor Vint’s report above.


Balance c/f                            £ 10,156.65

Income (Cllr Steer)              £      930.00

Income (interest)                  £          0.35

Exp  (church seat)               £      449.99

Exp  (ex-gratia payment)    £      450.00


Balance c/f                            £  10,187.01

This balance is made up as follows:

P3 money                 £      149.40

Council funds            £  10,037.61

Total                           £  10,187.01

The Council agreed to pay the insurance premium for 2015/16


The long awaited traffic calming scheme in Avonwick should now begin on June 1st 2015.


Tuesday 2nd June 2015 at 7.30pm at St James Church, Avonwick.