Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

Sound Recording You can download the audio recording for this meeting or use the player embedded in this page after the download link. Download the audio file here.

PDF of the Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Download the Agenda (PDF, 52.0 KB)

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 6 September 2016

These minutes were approved on 4 October 2016

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.


There were no members of the public present. The Council was offered a chestnut tree for planting in the play park area. While the offer was appreciated, it was felt that there was not sufficient room in the play park for the tree.


Councillors Bell, Gabriel, Grevatt, Hunt, Luscombe, Seager-Berry and District and Parish Councillor Steer.


County Councillor Vint


The MINUTES of the meeting held on 5th July 2016 were confirmed and signed. Proposed Cllr Steer seconded Cllr Grevatt.


The clerk informed the Council that Devon Highways had a map of the Parish Buddle Holes and that this would be made available to the Council.

The Chairman reported that the play park gate latch had been repaired. Thanks were due to R M Welding Services.


County Councillor Vint had submitted a report dealing with his work at County level. He asked if there was any interest in a parishioner taking on the role of road warden.

District Councillor Steer gave a brief report of his work with the planning committee.

Councillor Grevatt updated the Council on the preparations for the Community Hall Project’s Apple Pie Fair on 18th September.


The clerk informed the Council of an application for an extension to a house in Avonwick. The paperwork for this extension had not yet been received by the clerk and so the Council was unable to proceed with its consideration of this. Clerk and Cllr Steer to contact the planning department concerning this.


Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows:

An email had been received from the SHDC inspector concerning the fixtures to the play park outer gate. Cllr Gabriel to follow this up.

The clerk had received an email concerning nettles growing between the play park steps. He had dealt with this. The same email raised concern over the safety of the steps. This would be investigated.

At this point mention was made of the riding of bikes in the park. The Council felt that this could endanger other children.

The clerk asked for the park grass to be cut before the date of the Apple Pie Fair. He also asked that the Council should record its thanks to Cllr Steer for cutting the external hedge of the park.

The Council agreed to a request from the Community Hall Project Group for the play park to be closed on the 18th September for the Apple Pie Fair and on the 17th September to allow for the preparations for the fair to take place safely



Balance c/f 8225.81
Income (interest) 0.68
Expenditure (ins) 120.00
Balance c/f  8106.49


This balance is made up as follows:


 P3 money 149.40
Council funds 7957.09
Total 8106.49



Japanese Knotweed had been reported on the sides of the Brent road. Action clerk.


4th October 2016 at 7.30pm at St James Church, Avonwick.

Additional Documents

PDF of the Approved Minutes

Download the Approved Minutes (PDF, 52.2 KB)