Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

Sound Recording You can download the audio recording for this meeting or use the player embedded in this page after the download link. Download the audio file here.

PDF of the Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Download the Agenda (PDF, 51.7 KB)

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 18 July 2017

These minutes were approved on 29 August 2017

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.


Concerns had been raised over the noise coming from a bird scaring machine at Coarsewell. As this falls outside our boundary it was felt that these concerns should be raised with Ugborough Parish. Unofficial signs were reported to have re-appeared at the top of the slip road at Wrangaton. Clerk to contact the locality officer. Drainage problems were occurring on the road at Lupridge. Attn Chairman.


Cllr Steer all planning issues. Cllr Seager-Berry planning application for the Avon Inn.


Councillors Bell, Gabriel, Grevatt, Hunt, Luscombe, Seager-Berry and District and Parish Councillor Steer.


The MINUTES of the meeting held on 6th June 2017 were confirmed and signed. Proposed Cllr Seager-Berry seconded Cllr Bell


The “apparently abandoned” car in Avonwick has been removed.


District Councillor Steer updated the Council on the  suggestion of combining the West Devon and South Ham District Councils. While this could provide savings in the future in the form of shared office space and council staff,  it would also mean an increase in the Council Tax for South Hams residents. The question of a reduction in the number of District Councillors was raised. No information concerning this possibility is available at present. Cllr Steer reported that the planning authority had received a lot of planning applications recently.

Councillor Grevatt informed the Council that he had received an invitation for the Council to renew its web domain registration.


The following applications had been received.

i) Application for a rear dormer window at Huish Cross, North Huish. Supported

ii) Application for new kitchens and a conservatory style dining room at the Avon Inn. Supported (With some query over the choice of exterior finish to the proposed building.)

iii) Application for a new bedroom/study at 6 Higher Moor, Avonwick. Supported

iv) Application for a new French window at Huish Barn, North Huish. Supported.


Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows: The council had received an email concerning the proposal to create a new district council. (See above Cllr Steer report).



Balance c/f 9792.29
Income (interest) 0.39
Exp. (insurance) 392.56
Exp. (Computer 608.97
Balance c/f 8790.75


This balance is made up as follows:


P3 money 149.40
Council funds 8641.35
Total 8790.75


The Council agreed the following payments

Payment of Website invoice. Proposed Cllr Seager-Berry seconded Cllr Hunt

Payment of Play Park insurance/inspection fee.  Proposed Cllr Hunt seconded Cllr Seager-Berry

Grant to Avonwick Church Council. Proposed Cllr Luscombe seconded Cllr Hunt.


Tuesday 29th August 2017 at 7.30pm at St James Church, Avonwick.


Additional Documents

PDF of the Approved Minutes

Download the Approved Minutes (PDF, 45.4 KB)