Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

Sound Recording You can download the audio recording for this meeting or use the player embedded in this page after the download link. Download the audio file here.

PDF of the Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Download the Agenda (PDF, 48.4 KB)

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 1 May 2018

These minutes were approved on 5 June 2018

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.


There were no members of the public present. Fly tipping was reported near Rectory Cottage, North Huish. It is thought that a black 4x4 was used for this.  Questions were asked concerning the positioning of a new mobile home at Lower Greenslade Farm. Councillor Steer assured the Council that this was a permitted temporary structure to be used while a new house was being built.


Councillors Bell and Steer – planning matters.


The of the meeting held on 3rd  April 2018 were confirmed and signed.  Proposed Councillor Steer, seconded Councillor Hunt.


The Council was informed that it would not have to appoint a Data Protection Officer. Cllr. Grevatt was to “keep his finger on the pulse” to ensure that the Council conformed with all necessary requirements.


There was no report from County Councillor Hosking.

District Councillor Steer reported that planning applications were taking a lot of his time.


The Council agreed to support an application for the provision of an equestrian building at Hepburn House, Diptford.



Balance c/f 7,560.13
Inc. Interest 0.31
Inc. Precept 1,268.00
Exp. Buddle holes 324.00
Balance 8,504.44


The Council agreed to pay for the DALC subscription and for Buddle Hole repairs.

The Council considered approved and signed the Annual Governance Statement 2017/18

The Council then considered, approved and signed the Accounting Statement for 2017/18

The Council agreed to certify itself as exempt from a Limited Assurance Review and signed the Certificate of Exemption.


Tuesday 5th June  2018 at 7.30pm at St James’s Church, Avonwick.

Additional Documents

PDF of the Approved Minutes

Download the Approved Minutes (PDF, 57.1 KB)