Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 3 May 2022
Key information
Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick
Meeting time: To follow Annual Parish Meeting
Sound Recording
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Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 3 May 2022
1: Open Forum
For parishioners to raise matters of concern relevant to the work of the Parish Council
(NB matters concerning other bodies e.g. SWW, SHDC and DCC should normally be referred directly to such bodies. The Parish Council would try assist where difficulties arise after such a referral has taken place.)
2: Present
3: Apologies for absence
To receive apologies for absence (if any)
Guy Pannell
4: Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interest (if any)
5: Previous Minutes
To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 5th April 2022
6: Matters Arising
- Notice boards
- Jubilee Grants
- Recruitment of permanent Clerk
7: Reports
To receive Reports from
- County Councillor Daniel Thomas
- District Councillor Pannell or Smerdon
- The Play Park
- others (if any)
8: Planning
To consider Planning Applications and to note decisions:
Planning Applications to Consider:
0673/22/LBC – Land Building Consent – Listed building consent for an extractor fan on the lower ground floor bathroom. Bridge Cottage, Avonwick TQ10 9NB
Planning Decisions:
0986/22/AGR – Agricultural Determination- Application to determine prior approval is required for proposed agricultural building for the storage of feed, bedding and machinery, measuring 13.72m x 9.14m x 5.58m high to ridge (resubmission of 0591/22/AGR) Land North of North Huish – Prior Approval Details required.
Ongoing Enforcement Cases: which are confidential have been circulated directly to councillors.
9: Correspondence
To consider correspondence received.
10: Finance:
To note recent and future income and expenditure.
Receipts: SHDC – Precept - £2000.00 Interest Received - £0.08 Payments: BHIB Ltd – Insurance - £353.66 A Kohler – Clerk Pay March 22 - £26.50 A Kohler - Clerk Expenses March 22 - £9.82 A Kohler – Clerk Pay April 22 - £88.50 A Kohler – Clerk Expenses April 22 - £14.90 HMRC PAYE March 22 - £6.40 HMRC PAYE April 22 - £22.00 Balance at Bank as at 25th April 2022: Treasurer's Account - £1,611.42 Business Bank Instant Account - £8,840.45 Balance £10,451.87
Note: Monies will be transferred from the Treasurers Account to the Business Bank Instant Account at the end of the month, to reduce the balance of the Treasurers Account and gain interest on funds, now the precept has been received.
To note that Parish Council Insurance has been renewed.
To consider, approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement 2021/22.
To consider, approve and sign the Accounting Statement for 2021/22.
To agree to certify itself as exempt from a Limited Assurance Review and sign the Certificate of Exemption
11: Highways
To consider Highway matters.
To advise of temporary road restrictions from 16th May to 20th May. To cover the road from North Huish Cross to Church Cross North Huish. The alternative, signed, route for vehicles will be via - NORTH HUISH CROSS TO RECTORY COTTAGE TO NORTH HUISH CROSS TO RECTORY CROSS TO NORTH. This is necessary for new water service to be provided. Full notice will be posted on the Parish Website.
12: The Play Park
To review the situation re the Play Park
13: Next meeting
To consider items for future meetings
To agree upon a date for the next Meeting. (7th June or 5th July 2022?)
Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 3 May 2022
These minutes were approved on 7 June 2022
Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.
Minutes of the NHPC meeting held on 3rd May 2022.
1: Open Forum
Cllr Gabriel welcomed everyone to the meeting.
There were no members of the public present.
Potholes are keep getting reported. Cllr Thomas (DCC) confirmed that he would follow up any outstanding reports if information was passed to him to follow up. Outstanding potholes were discussed.
Any roadworks which are needing to be followed up, Clerk to compile list and forward this to Cllr Thomas (DCC) to follow this up as they work through their lists of outstanding works needed.
The lack of recycling refuse collections. The garden waste has not been collected and it is still a major issue as FCC are not fulfilling their contract with SHDC. It is a big problem as Avonwick has a collection day of Friday, therefore, it cannot be confirmed until Monday if collection has been missed. Cllr Thomas has assured the Cllrs that when the service is working at full capacity it works well. There are still some households in Devon who are not yet included in the new recycling scheme.
Plans for Jubilee Celebrations are being finalised and will be circulated shortly. An event is being planned for Friday 3rd June on the Community Land.
2: Present:
Councillors Gabriel (Chairman), Bell, Grevatt (Vice Chairman), Hunt, Luscombe, Seager-Berry, and Steer. Ali Kohler (locum clerk), County Councillor Thomas, District Councillor Smerdon
3: Apologies for absence
District Councillor Pannell
4: Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest
5: Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on the 5th April 2022 were confirmed and signed.
6: Matters Arising
Notice Boards - Cllr Grevatt has inspected the notice boards and provided a report. Replacement notice board would cost around £1097 plastic and £1340 hard wood. North Huish Notice Board the cost of repairs around £33, it was agreed that the repairs be carried out. Cllr Thomas agreed to give locality grant towards a replacement Avonwick Notice Board. Clerk to apply for locality budget grant for this.
Jubilee Tree – The church is to cover the cost of the purchase of the Jubilee Tree. It is to be planted in the church yard.
Recruitment of permanent parish Clerk – A local resident has agreed to give the position a try. He will attend the next meeting to meet with the Cllrs and Ali Kohler.
7: Reports
Devon County Council
Potholes are repaired by an external contractor and the contractors have to keep attending the pot holes until they are repaired properly.
The light up speed sign is totally broken. It has been reported and further updates will be given as we are made aware of them.
The Gara Bridge camera will be fitted tomorrow finally. Cllrs questioned Cllr Thomas as to how the camera system will work and were advised on what local residents need to do if there is another incident. CCTV footage will be checked when/if an incident has been reported. Apologies for the delay in the fitting of the camera.
The public rights of way officer has confirmed that works at Cobbly Walk will be carried out between June and September. Areas to be repaired have increased since originally reported. Clerk to email Mcfadden and cc Cllr Thomas regarding this matter.
When will the repair of the road from South Brent to Avonwick be completed? Waiting to hear from highways.
Jubilee Grant – confirmed it will be localities grant for Notice Board.
Cllr Smerdon joined the meeting
South Hams District Council
District Cllr Smerdon supplied a report (included with these minutes) Refuse collection update on the lack of garden waste refuse collection. A discussion was had regarding the access to the different council recycling centres.
Cllr Smerdon was asked if he would support a locality grant application towards the cost of replacing the notice board,
Cllr Thomas (DCC) left the meeting.
Everything is in order and looking good. Cllr Steer to sort out the grass cutting prior to the Jubilee celebrations
Tree Warden
There is no report to be noted.
8: Planning
The planning decisions were considered and noted for the following applications:
Planning application 0673/22/LBC – Land building consent for an extractor fan on the lower ground floor bathroom. Bridge Cottage Avonwick TQ10 9NB - Support
Planning decision – 0986/22/AGR – Agricultural Determination – application to determine prior approval is required for the proposed agricultural building for the storage of fee, bedding and machinery (resubmission of 0591/22/AGR) – Land North of North Huish – Prior Approval Details required.
Ongoing Enforcement Cases: which are confidential have been circulated directly to councillors
9: Correspondence
None to note.
10: Finance
It was approved to pay locum clerk extra 10 hours due to the extra work which has been needed.
SHDC – Precept - 2000.00 Interest received - 0.08 Payments
BHIB Ltd – insurance 353.66 A Kohler – Clerk Pay Mar 22 26.50 A Kohler – Clerk Expenses Mar 22 9.82 A Kohler – Clerk Pay April 22 88.50 A Kohler – Clerk Expenses Apr 22 14.90 HMRC PAYE March 22 6.40 HMRC PAYE April 22 22.00 Balance at Bank as at 25th April 2022
Treasurers account 1,611.42 Business Bank Instant A/c 8,840.45 Balance 10,451.87
Note: Monies will be transferred from the Treasurers Account to the Business Bank Instant Account at the end of the month to reduce the balance of the Treasurers Account and gain interest on funds, now that the Precept has been received.
To note that Parish Council insurance has been renewed.
Approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement 2021/22
Approve and sign the Accounting Statement 2021/22
To agree to certify itself as exempt from a Limited Assurance Review and sign the Certificate of Exemption.
11: Highways
Highways matters considered.
To advise of temporary road restrictions from 16th to 20th May. To cover the road from North Huish Cross to Church Cross North Huish. The alternative, signed route for vehicles will be via – North Huish Cross to Rectory Cross. This is necessary for new water service to be provided. Full notice will be posted on the Parish Council Website.
12: Items for Next Meeting
- Tennis Club update/grants information. Parish Council will support any application they make for grants to external organisations.
- Review pot hole situations.
- Part 2 meeting – review current enforcement cases
13: Next Meeting
Tuesday 7th June 2022 at 7.30pm. At St James’s Church, Avonwick