Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

Sound Recording You can download the audio recording for this meeting or use the player embedded in this page after the download link. Download the audio file here.

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Agenda for the NHPC meeting to be held at 7.30pm on 6th September 2022 at St James’s Church, Avonwick

1:             Open Forum

For parishioners to raise matters of concern relevant to the work of the Parish Council

(NB matters concerning other bodies e.g. SWW, SHDC and DCC should normally be referred directly to such bodies.  The Parish Council would try assist where difficulties arise after such a referral has taken place.)

2:             Present

3:             Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence (if any)

4:             Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest (if any)

5:             Previous Minutes

To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th July 2022

Matters Arising

To discuss items arising from those Minutes

6:             Reports

To receive Reports from

  1. County Councillor Thomas
  2. District Councillor Pannell or Smerdon
  3. Play Park inspection
  4. others (if any)

7:             Planning

To consider Planning Applications and to note decisions:


  1. Reference: 2467/22/FUL. Proposal:  Relocation of land entrance from existing position to a new construction of recessed entrance & turning zone, with entrance fencing.  Site: Bickham Bridge Land at SX 719*5 5600.  Date comments due:  8th September 2022.  Note comments require to be posted with planning the day after the parish council meeting
  2. Reference: 1446/22/FUL. Proposal: New cladding, rooflight and signage for agricultural farm office.  Site:  California Farm, Modbury, PL21 OSG, Date comments due: 15th September 2022.
  3. Reference: 2637/22/LBC. Proposal:  Listed building consent for replacement rear extension to Grade II listed building & works to outbuildings.  Site:  The Rock, Avonwick, TQ10 9NB.  Date comments due: 22nd September 2022.
  4. Reference: 2636/22/HHO. Proposal: Householder application for replacement rear extension to Grade II listed building & works to outbuildings. Site:  The Rock, Avonwick, TQ10 9NB. Date comments due: 22nd September 2022.
  5. Reference: 3973/21/FUL, Proposal: Extension & conversion of outbuildings to form two-bedroom holiday unit to be used in association with existing dwelling. Site: Burnt Pine Cottage, North Huish, TQ10 9NH. Date comments due: 22nd September 2022.


  1. Application number: 1490/22/LBC, Location: Butterford, North Huish TQ10 9NF. Applicant Name: Mr Gerald Pell. Application Type: Listed building consent. Grid reference: 270699, 56174. Proposal: Listed Building consent for erection of two storey barn to reinstate the “lost” 1802 barn on its original site and reinstate courtyards to form and use where possible. Case Officer: Richard Gage. Decision Date; 15th July 2022. Decision: Conditional Approval.
  2. Application number: 1492/22/FUL. Location: Butterford, North Huish, TQ10 9NF. Applicant Name: Mr Geral Pell. Application Type: Full Planning Application. Grid reference: 270218, 56412 Proposal: Erection of two storey barn to reinstate the “lost” 1802 barn on its original site and reinstate courtyards form and use where possible. Case Officer: Richard Gage.  Decision Date: 15th July 2022.  Decision: Conditional Approval.
  3. Application number 1588/22/HHO. Location: 7 Higher Moor Avonwick TQ10 9FE. Applicant name: Mrs Jacqueline Hunt. Application Type: Householder. Grid Reference: 271074, 58046. Proposal: Charlotte Howrihane. Decision Date: 16th August 2022.  Decision: Conditional Approval.

8:             Correspondence

To consider correspondence received.

9:         Appointment of External Auditor

To consider option to opt out of the SAAA central external auditor appointment.

10:      Finance

To note recent and future income and expenditure.


Interest July                        £   0.08
Interest August                      £   0.29


J Widdecombe                         £ 105.60
A Kohler – Clerk Expenses June       £  14.90
A Kohler – Clerk Salary July         £  88.50
HMRC PAYE                            £  22.00
A Kohler – Clerk Expenses July       £  14.90
Greenbarnes Invoice – notice boards  £1652.90

As At 28th August 2022

Treasurer's Account                  £ 456.61
Business Bank Account                £7840.97
Balance C/fwd                        £8297.58

11:      Highways

To consider Highway matters.

12:     Parish Clerk Recruitment

To discuss future arrangements for permanent parish clerk.

13:      Jubilee Tree

14:      Graffiti

See email which has been circulated.

15:      Next meeting

To consider items for future meetings

Date of next Meeting. 4th October 2022.

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 6 September 2022

These minutes were approved on 4 October 2022

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.

1:      Open Forum

Cllr Gabriel opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.

Concerns were raised by a member of the public who neighbours the proposed removal of hedgerow at Bickham Bridge land (ref SX7195 5600). The Council Tree Officer has visited and raised objections to the application.  The Chair indicated this will be addressed under Planning.

Concerns were raised about the use of weedkiller on the banks of the River Avon by the Avon Inn.  Additionally, a water extraction pump appears to be sited in the river.

Action: Chair requested the matter to be raised with Environment Agency for both weedkiller and extraction licence.

A number of villagers have expressed concerns to councillors of development at the quarry near Bookdale, with reference to the tree felling and extensive bush clearing in adjacent field.  Environment Agency/Forestry Commission to be consulted.  Cllr Bell, as Tree Warden to follow up. Planning permission may be required for significant works.

A parishioner has requested information from SHDC relating to work near Butterford Mill, but has not received a response.  District Cllr Smerdon is following this up.

2:      Present:

Councillors Gabriel, Bell, Grevatt, Hunt, Luscombe, Seager-Berry, and Steer. District Councillors Pannell, District Councillor Smerdon and County Councillor Thomas

3:      Apologies for absence

Ali Kohler (locum clerk)

4:      Declarations of Interest

Cllr Hunt declared an interest in planning application 2467/22/FUL

5:      Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 13th July 2022 were confirmed.  Proposed Cllr Bell, seconded Cllr Steer

6:      Matters Arising

Play Park – Cllr Grevatt advised the communication with the equipment supplier over the past weeks had not been successful, until today, 6th September when Sutcliffe Play Ltd advised a replacement timber will be supplied by the end of September.  Cllr Bell enquired if adequate fencing was in place.  Cllr Grevatt advised no adequate arrangement is possible.

Graffiti on playpark apparatus – Volunteers have overpainted and/or scrubbed the graffiti.

Cllr Gabriel thanked the volunteers on behalf of the Parish Council.

Notice Board – Richard Hamwell has fitted the new Avonwick noticeboard: invoice has been received for £100.

Two keys have been supplied: one is being held by Cllr Luscombe until the new Clerk is appointed and the other one is being held by Cllr Grevatt.

The old noticeboard contained a plaque to The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  It is proposed to retail this plaque inside the new noticeboard.

7:      Reports

Devon County Council

Cllr Thomas reported that Locality Budgets are to be paused, but promised grants will be honoured and the monies for the noticeboard will be paid by the end of September.

Cllrs expressed concern that the old parish notice board was not permitted to be disposed of at Ivybridge Recycling Centre. Email to Cllr Thomas with complaint.

South Hams District Council

The full report from Cllr Smerdon can be found on the website.  Cllr Smerdon mentioned that SHDC locality budget is retained.

Waste collection is still a big concern.  SHDC is taking the management responsibilities again from FCC, but it is noted that agency staff prefer not to work Saturdays that follow on from public holidays.

8:      Planning

Planning applications to be considered:

  1. Reference: 2467/22/FUL. Proposal:  Relocation of land entrance from existing position to a new construction of recessed entrance & turning zone, with entrance fencing.  Site: Bickham Bridge Land at SX 7195 5600.  Decision: Object – Cllr Grevatt to email SHDC on 7th September in Clerk’s absence.
  2. Reference: 1446/22/FUL. Proposal: New cladding, rooflight and signage for agricultural farm office.  Site:  California Farm, Modbury, PL21 OSG, Decision: Support
  3. Reference: 2637/22/LBC. Proposal:  Listed building consent for replacement rear extension to Grade II listed building & works to outbuildings.  Site:  The Rock, Avonwick, TQ10 9NB. Decision: Support
  4. Reference: 1446/22/FUL. Proposal: New cladding, rooflight and signage for agricultural farm office.  Site:  California Farm, Modbury, PL21 OSG, Decision: Support
  5. Reference: 3973/21/FUL, Proposal: Extension & conversion of outbuildings to form two-bedroom holiday unit to be used in association with existing dwelling. Site: Burnt Pine Cottage, North Huish, TQ10 9NH. Decision: Support

Planning Decision:

  1. Application number: 1490/22/LBC, Location: Butterford, North Huish TQ10 9NF. Applicant Name: Mr Gerald Pell. Application Type: Listed building consent. Grid reference: 270699, 56174. Proposal: Listed Building consent for erection of two storey barn to reinstate the “lost” 1802 barn on its original site and reinstate courtyards to form and use where possible. Case Officer: Richard Gage. Decision Date; 15th July 2022. Decision: Conditional Approval.
  2. Application number: 1492/22/FUL. Location: Butterford, North Huish, TQ10 9NF. Applicant Name: Mr Geral Pell. Application Type: Full Planning Application. Grid reference: 270218, 56412 Proposal: Erection of two storey barn to reinstate the “lost” 1802 barn on its original site and reinstate courtyards form and use where possible. Case Officer: Richard Gage.  Decision Date: 15th July 2022.  Decision: Conditional Approval.
  3. Application number 1588/22/HHO. Location: 7 Higher Moor Avonwick TQ10 9FE. Applicant name: Mrs Jacqueline Hunt. Application Type: Householder. Grid Reference: 271074, 58046. Proposal: Charlotte Howrihane. Decision Date: 16th August 2022. Decision: Conditional Approval.

Planning Applications Withdrawn

None to note

9:      Correspondence

Letter from Anthony Mangnall MP re. policing

10:   Appointment of External Auditor

Option to opt out of SAAA central external auditor appointment will be decided at the next meeting.

11:   Finance

Invoice for £158.40 from Mr Widdicombe approved for payment.

Invoice for £100 for the installation of the noticeboard has been approved for payment.


Interest Received July  0.08
Interest Received Aug  0.29


J Widdicombe  105.50
A Kohler: Clerk Pay July 22  88.50
A Kohler: Expenses June 22  14.90
A Kohler: Expenses July 22  14.90
HMRC PAYE  22.00
Greenbarnes – notice board  1652.90

As At 28th August 2022

Treasurer’s Account  456.61
Business Bank Account  7840.97
Balance c/fwd.  8297.58

12:   Highways

Avonwick will not be included in the Devon County Council’s 20mph trials

Concern was expressed at the repairs to Cobbly Walk.  Site visit to be requested to inspect repair to bank and surface.  Cllr Thomas to arrange.

Cllr Thomas to ask Highways to repaint road markings removed during road repairs along Higher Plymouth towards Totnes.

Cllr Thomas had asked if 30mph early warning markers could be installed around Avonwick, but Highways no longer approves such signs.

Cllr Bell had requested cleaning of road signs:  Cllr Thomas has passed on the request.

13:   Parish Clerk Recruitment

Cllr Gabriel indicated a second person had responded to the advert and attended the meeting to observe, whilst a member of the public who had contacted us previously (and took informal notes of this meeting) continued to express an interest in the post.  Deadline for formal applications set for 20th September 2022.

14:   Jubilee Tree

Cllr Bell will prepare costings and present these at the October meeting.

15:   Next Meeting

Tuesday, 4th October 2022 at 7.30pm at St James’s Church, Avonwick.

District Council Report

District Councillor's Report September 2022

Parish report from your District Councillors

September 2022

Waste Update- SHDC moves towards taking back control

Officers working on the waste project team are making sure that the service is safe, legal and compliant when SHDC resumes full control from 3 October.

In parallel to this, work is ongoing to analyse the collection rounds data, to see if there are any small improvements that can be made in the short term, with an aim to deliver longer term improvements as soon as we can.

The Council will inherit the same problems as FCC on day one; the same rounds and the same staff shortages. While we will look to improve the service as soon as we can, there will still be challenges. It isn’t just the waste collection service, it is also the trade waste, bulky / clinical waste collections and the recycling banks, along with the street scene services such as litter bins, street and toilet cleaning services.

SHDC wants to work with Towns and Parishes and other partners to resolve difficulties and will be contacting all councils to ask them to let us know of the recurring problems in their areas. There is a communications plan in place, so we can share the latest updates with residents as and when they happen. Local councils will receive an email inviting them to share their issues in the week beginning 5th September.

The decision to terminate the contract was taken mutually with FCC and followed continuing dissatisfaction by residents over the failure to restore the garden waste collection service to an acceptable level, and the halt to the roll out of the new recycling box scheme to parts of the district. The decision is likely to add significantly to the council’s costs for this service

Plymouth freeport boundaries

Tax-break industrial sites could be set up anywhere in the South Hams or on Dartmoor as part of Plymouth’s new freeport, it has emerged. The Government has set a vast boundary for the project which stretches from Devonport to Dartmouth, Salcombe to Okehampton, and incorporates all of the moor and the entire South Hams.

Ministers have revealed the extensive boundary for the freeport on a map, leading to concerns being raised from some environmentalists and critics of the freeport programme. It came as a surprise because it had been said that the freeport would involve just three Plymouth sites: at Oceansgate in Devonport, Sherford and Langage. But it has now been explained that these are what are termed “tax sites”, where businesses can benefit from a range of tax benefits including paying less when buying land and avoiding National Insurance payments for newly employed workers. The three sites are also what is called “customs sites”, where businesses don’t have to pay tariffs on some goods they import.

There can only be three tax sites, and there must be at least one customs site, or “free zone”, in any freeport. But the freeport company could seek to create more customs sites within the extensive outer boundary.

However, the Plymouth and South Devon Freeport stressed it is “categorically not the case” that the entire area on the map has been earmarked for development or has any special planning status. A spokesperson said: “The outer boundary does not confer any special planning or regulatory status.”

The freeport explained that any new customs site would still need to fit within a “rigorous planning process”, including the suitability of the area for any businesses, and existing local authority restrictions and prohibitions. In Dartmoor’s case this would mean it having to fit with it being within a national park and an area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB).

Farming Crime Survey

Devon and Cornwall Police, in association with the University of Plymouth and the University of Winchester are conducting a survey of farmers and landowners to examine their experience of crime and policing. The work, which is funded by the Seale Hayne Educational Trust, will be used to inform and shape future approaches by Devon and Cornwall Police to engage with and police rural communities.

Government Funding for Electric Vehicles

The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) is a voucher-based scheme that provides eligible applicants with support towards the upfront costs of the purchase and installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints. The WCS is open to businesses, charities and public sector organisations that meet the applicant and site eligibility criteria.

The grant covers up to 75% of the total costs of the purchase and installation of EV chargepoints (inclusive of VAT), capped at a maximum of:

  • £350 per socket
  • 40 sockets across all sites per applicant – for instance, if you would like to install them in 40 sites, you will have 1 socket available per site. For more infprmation contact SHDC.

Sustainable South Hams

Sustainable South Hams is the primary network in the South Hams for sharing knowledge and inspiration with community groups on local climate and nature events and projects. It has received seed corn funding for 2022 from SHDC to facilitate this endeavour. In order to monitor and empower this initiative it is important that the parish-specific information on the new SSH website is accurate.

Please check your parish information on the “Find a Group’ section of the above website, featuring the parish map for South Hams.

Parishes on the map are colour coded to denote whether they have a Climate or Nature group. and whether they have Declared and Emergency or have a Carbon Reduction Plan or a Nature Recovery Plan. If you have any queries about this process please contact SSH at

This SSH parish map with the information provided by your parishes will also be embedded in the SHDC Climate and Biodiversity website.

Citizens' Advice needs volunteers

Citizens Advice South Hams is recruiting for volunteers; the organisation is anticipating that many more people will come forward asking for help during the difficult winter months ahead.

If you know anyone who might be interested, please share the Citizens Advice South Hams website with them.