Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

Sound Recording You can download the audio recording for this meeting or use the player embedded in this page after the download link. Download the audio file here.

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Agenda for the NHPC meeting to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 3rd January 2023 at St James’s Church, Avonwick

1:             Open Forum

For parishioners to raise matters of concern relevant to the work of the Parish Council

(NB matters concerning other bodies e.g. SWW, SHDC and DCC should normally be referred directly to such bodies.  The Parish Council would try assist where difficulties arise after such a referral has taken place.)

2:             Present

3:             Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence (if any)

4:             Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest (if any)

5:             Previous Minutes

To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 6th December 2022

6:             Matters Arising

To discuss items arising from those Minutes

7:             Reports

To receive Reports from

  1. County Councillor Thomas
  2. District Councillor Pannell or Smerdon
  3. Play Park inspection
  4. others (if any)

8:             Planning

To consider Planning Applications and to note decisions:

No planning applications to note.


Application No. 3047/22/HHO 5 The Run, Avonwick. TQ10 9LY. Application for the construction of a garden office. – Decision: Conditional Approval.

Application No. 2636/22/HHO The Rock, Avonwick. TQ10 9NB. Application for replacement rear extension to grade II listed building & works to outbuildings. – Decision: Conditional Approval.  


9:             Correspondence

To consider correspondence received.

10:      Finance

To note recent and future income and expenditure. To agree proposed budget for 2023/24. To approve invoice for £211.20 for clearing drains/buddle holes in November, from J & MJ Widdicombe, clerk has a copy of the invoice already.

11:      Highways

To consider Highway matters.

12:      Next meeting

To consider items for future meetings.

Date for the next Meeting Tuesday  7th February 2023.    

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 3 January 2023

These minutes were approved on 7 February 2023

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.

1:      Open Forum

A member of the public raised a concern over the wording of the council’s objection to the planning application number 4012/22/FUL Application to regularise and retain an agricultural access track (part retrospective) (resubmission of 1592/22/FUL) – the clerk advised that the wording has already been edited and re-submitted regarding this.

Cllr Steer raised an issue regarding a lorry at the pumping station in Avonwick having been there for a fortnight, and parishioners need to know what’s happening there. Cllr Bell explained that SWW are under new legislation, and the rainwater is apparently ending up in the sewage system, which is why they are pumping it. Cllr Bell suggested that an email be sent to SWW, for the attention of Peregrine Leigh, to ask about the long term plans for the pumping station in Avonwick, and a member of the public suggested asking how many households the pumping station is designed to support. Clerk to action.

Cllr Grevatt asked for the council to approve a notice to be put on the noticeboards regarding the pantomime in South Brent, this was approved unanimously.

Cllr Bell suggested that due to the large amount of rain recently, it may be pertinent to ask Mr Widdicombe to clear some drains and buddleholes in the area, Cllr Grevatt asked Cllr Bell to come up with a list of these, that need looking at and clearing, to forward onto the clerk to contact Mr Widdicombe.  Cllr Bell to action.          

2:      Present: 

Cllrs Grevatt, Seager-Berry, Steer, Bell and Hunt. District Cllr Pannell. One member of the public attended the meeting.  

3:      Apologies for absence

Cllrs Gabriel and Luscombe, County Cllr Thomas.

4:      Declarations of Interest


5:      Minutes 

The minutes of the meeting held on the 6th December 2022 were confirmed and signed. Proposed Cllr Steer, Seconded Cllr Seager-Berry.

6:      Matters Arising

Jubilee Tree plaque and wording

Cllr Bell explained he hasn’t yet sent an email to the full council about this yet but he will do this shortly.

Defibrillator in North Huish problem, needing an electrician

Cllr Grevatt advised that Cllr Gabriel had contacted a couple of electricians who didn’t want to complete this work, so Cllr Grevatt has been asked to contact the original installer, which he will do, update to follow in the next meeting. He has reset the trip switch in the meantime.


Cllr Grevatt advised that he is still waiting to hear from Sutcliffe Play, but he hasn’t chased them since the last meeting, will do this shortly.

7:      Reports

County Council

No report was received this month, however County Cllr Thomas sent an email to the clerk with his apologies for absence, and to remind councillors that the deadline for locality fund applications is February 24th.

District Council

Cllr Pannell advised that a report was sent to the clerk, and the clerk has circulated this to the full council. Attached to the minutes.


Cllr Bell advised there is nothing to report this month.

Tree Warden's report

Cllr Bell advised there is nothing to report this month.

8:      Planning


None since the last meeting.


  1. Application number 3047/22/FUL 5 The Run, Avonwick, TQ10 9LY – Application for construction of a garden office. Decision – Conditional Approval.
  2. Application number 2636/22/HHO The Rock, Avonwick TQ10 9NB – Application for replacement rear extension to grade II listed building and works to outbuildings – Decision – Conditional Approval.

The clerk advised that the objection to planning application number 4012/22/FUL discussed in the last meeting, has been submitted, and then re-submitted with edited comments.

District Cllr Pannell left the meeting.  

9:      Correspondence

All correspondence has already been circulated to the full council by the clerk, nothing particular to note this month.                 

10:   Finance

Opening balance of treasurers account as at 14th November was £2,363.33, the following payments were made up to 12th December:

02/12 Penalty for non-submission of PAYE to HMRC, for two months between locum clerk leaving, and new clerk’s submission of first wages £44.43.

Previous locum clerk’s back pay due to the NALC salary award recently, £56.50.

PAYE to HMRC for the above wages £14.20.

Clerk’s wages from 21st October to 30th November £128.16.

PAYE to HMRC for the above wages £32.00.

09/12 Cheque paid to cover Tristram’s expenses re: website hosting, previously approved £19.14. 

12/12 Payment to R Northmore for playpark maintenance and grass cutting, hedges etc from April to November 2022 £685.00 approved at the last meeting.     

12/12 Payment to DALC for clerk’s course £36.00 attended in November and previously approved.

Closing balance of treasurers account as at 14th December £1,347.90.

Balance of the Business Bank Instant Account at 14th December was £7,844.27 – interest was added during the month of £1.79.

Cllr Grevatt asked for clarification regarding the penalty payment to HMRC and the clerk advised that no-one would have been aware at the time of the penalty, but that this was paid as soon as the clerk was aware, once access to the government gateway account was obtained.

An invoice to Mr Widdicombe for £211.20 for November drain clearing, and clearing of buddle holes was approved for payment. Proposed by Cllr Seager-Berry, Seconded Cllr Hunt. Clerk to pay this.   

The proposed budget figures circulated to the council for 2023/24 were discussed. Cllr Bell asked what was spent last year for buddle hole clearing, the amount spent last year was £1,284.00 The proposed budget figure has been increased slightly to £1,400.00 for this year.

Cllr Seager-Berry asked for the wording of the Church donation of £250.00 to be edited, as this is in fact towards the cost of using the church for monthly council meetings, in lieu of room hire. Clerk to edit this to “use of the church for meetings”

Cllr Bell suggested also that buddle hole repairs be edited to “highway drainage maintenance”, clerk to edit this as well. 

The budget figures for 2023/24 were approved by the council, proposed Cllr Bell, seconded Cllr Seager-Berry, all in favour – unanimous.

11:   Highways

With the recent rain we have had in the area, parishioners are reminded to report any potholes to Devon County Council – details on their website.

Cllr Bell requested that the clerk draft an email to County Councillor Dan Thomas re: asking for a site visit with Devon County Council representatives/contractors at Kitterford Cross to discuss issues raised at the previous meeting ie the design and layout of the works, the camber, and any other issues arising. Clerk to draft an email and forward to the council.

Cllr Grevatt reported that we are still awaiting a repair at Cobbly Walk, Avonwick, but that the previous failed repair has not deteriorated further at this stage.

12:   Next Meeting

Tuesday 7th February 2023 at 7.30pm, at St James’ Church, Avonwick. TQ10 9NA.

District Council Report

District Councillor's Report January 2023

Council Awarded £1m to Support Community Net Zero Targets

 South Hams District Council has been granted funding of over £1m to help reduce carbon emissions in the District. The money will allow the Council to deliver targeted business and community support programmes.

The award comes from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). The Council is using the money to achieve the most sustainable outcomes possible to support its Climate Change and Biodiversity promise to become net-zero by 2050.

By working closely with specialist organisations, businesses and community groups, the Council can improve sustainable travel infrastructure, begin to decarbonise our marine sector, and help our farming community to adopt innovative approaches to farming that are better for our climate and ecology. The first step towards improvements is Active and Inclusive Travel through:

  • programmes of activities to encourage people to use sustainable travel for their work and leisure activities, particularly making our tourism sites accessible through low carbon transport
  • the development of a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, setting out and prioritising interventions to improve the local cycling and walking networks

Agriculture and Regenerative Farming improvements will support the rural economy by:

  • bringing research and development to our agricultural communities, turning them into a test bed for new technologies and processes so that they can lead the way in improving the national agricultural sector.
  • supporting farms to transition to regenerative farming processes. Focusing on improving soil quality, moving away from pesticides and fertilisers, and improving biodiversity on their sites.
  • supporting farms and food producers to get their products into local market places.

As a coastal district it is important also important to consider the Decarbonisation of the Marine Economy. Therefore, the District Council will be using their funds to:

  • decarbonise the Lower Dart Ferry and Salcombe water taxis.
  • establish the carbon footprint of Salcombe Harbour and develop a strategy to decarbonise the site.
  • deliver innovative pilot projects to bring new technologies and processes to the marine sector.

Across the District, the Council’s specialist officers will be offering Wider Business Decarbonisation Support and Consultancy with:

  • support for Community Energy Groups to help them bring projects forward and access funds to support their goals.
  • support for village halls to strengthen the role they play in our most rural communities.
  • delivery of decarbonisation plans for businesses, which will then be used to help them access grant support.
  • work with the local construction sector and its supply chain to strengthen its ability to deliver decarbonised building projects.
  • Some activities will begin delivery in January, but the bulk of our programme will run from April 2023 until the end of March 2025. 

Platinum Jubilee Village Hall Fund

Before Christmas the Government announced that the Platinum Jubilee Village Hall Fund has opened for applications.

The fund is managed by the charity Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) and village halls in England can now apply for grants to improve and modernise their facilities.

Village halls interested in applying can request grants from £7,500 to £75,000, and up to a maximum of 20 per cent of eligible project costs. Capital grants will be allocated to support infrastructure improvements, the refurbishment of facilities, such as kitchens and toilets, and measures to improve energy efficiency.

The application window will close on 20 January 2023, with successful applicants being able to draw on the funding from April 2023.

To find out more information on the fund, visit the Government and ACRE websites.

Plymouth and South Devon Freeport Approval

The Plymouth and South Devon Freeport was the first of eight Freeports to be given the full green light along with two others. The approval unlocks millions of pounds of grant seed funding and enables applicable businesses to join and take advantage of the Freeport status.

The Freeport will:

  • Enable new employment land to be bought forward at the three sites of South Yard, Langage and Sherford
  • Accelerate the formation of advanced manufacturing clusters in marine, defence and space sectors with low carbon applications at the forefront
  • Leverage £250m private sector investment
  • Ensure seed capital grant from Government of £25m for essential infrastructure
  • Include £29m investment from local councils
  • Support a new £30m Innovation Centre at Oceansgate
  • Provide a major expansion plan for Princess Yachts
  • Deliver over 3,500 jobs

Support for Homelessness

South Hams and West Devon Councils work with all rough sleepers across the area to ensure they have access to appropriate services should they wish to engage and work with us to enable them to access accommodation. With the weather getting colder we have now activated the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol until 1 March 2023.

We would be grateful if you could let us know of anyone sleeping rough and advise them to contact a member of the Housing team on 01803 861234. Outside of office hours, the number is 01803 867034. SHDC will arrange for an outreach worker to make contact with them. This is particularly important during periods of severe weather.