Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 4 July 2023
Key information
Meeting location: Avon Vale Tennis and Croquet Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick, TQ10 9EJ
Meeting time: 7.30 pm
Sound Recording
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Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 4 July 2023
Agenda for the NHPC meeting to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 4th July 2023 at Avon Vale Tennis Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick. TQ10 9EJ.
1: Open Forum
For parishioners to raise matters of concern relevant to the work of the Parish Council.
(NB matters concerning other bodies e.g. SWW, SHDC and DCC should normally be referred directly to such bodies. The Parish Council would try to assist where difficulties arise after such a referral has taken place.)
2: Present
3: Apologies for absence
To receive apologies for absence (if any)
4: Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interest (if any)
5: Previous Minutes
To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 6th June 2023
6: Matters Arising
- Post box in North Huish
- Monthly meeting room hire
- Standing Orders, code of conduct
- Update re: P3 Co-ordinator
- Enforcement cases – invite sent to the enforcement team to attend a future meeting
- SWW update on drainage works
7: Reports
To receive Reports from
- County Councillor Thomas
- District Councillor Pannell or Hancock
- Play Park inspection
- Tree Warden Report
8: Planning
To consider Planning Applications and to note decisions:
No planning applications to note this month.
Application number 1700/23/NMM
Location – Bobolink, Avonwick. TQ10 9EY.
Non material minor amendment to planning consent 2131/21/HHO to allow for traditional block construction & for the inclusion of a roof light in the flat roof.
Decision: Conditional Approval.
Application number 1841/23/COM
Location – Charford Manor, Diptford. TQ9 7LT.
Proposal - Notice of Intent to Install Electronic Communication Apparatus
Comprising One Pole at 10.5 metres high (9 mtrs above ground)
Decision - permitted development.
9: Correspondence
To consider correspondence received.
10: Finance
To note recent and future income and expenditure.
Opening balances at Bank as at 12th May 2023
Treasurers Account 2,621.32 Business Bank Instant Account 7,864.76 Balance 10,486.08 Receipts:
9th June Interest received 5.01 Payments:
25th May J & MJ Widdicombe 105.60 31st May BHIB PC Annual Insurance 386.03 1st June Clerks salary 105.90 1st June HMRC PAYE 24.20 13th June Avon Vale Tennis Club meeting room hire for two months 44.00 Closing balances as at 13th June 2023
Treasurers Account 955.59 Business Bank Instant Account 8,869.77 Balance 9,825.36
NB A transfer of £1,000 was made from the treasurers account to the Business Bank Instant Account on 13th June.
11: Highways
To consider Highway matters.
- Cleaning of road signs
- White line marking
- Kitterford Cross roundabout safety audit report
12: Next meeting
To consider items for future meetings.
To agree a date for the next Meeting (Tuesday 5th September 2023?)
Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 4 July 2023
These minutes were approved on 5 September 2023
Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.
Draft Minutes of the NHPC meeting held on Tuesday 4th July 2023.
1: Open Forum
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Nothing was raised in the open forum this month, and no members of the public were in attendance either.
2: Present:
Cllrs Steer, Grevatt, Bell, Gabriel, Hunt, Ring and Snoxall. District Cllr Hancock. No members of the public were in attendance.
3: Apologies for absence
County Cllr Thomas.
4: Declarations of Interest
5: Previous Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on the 6th June 2023 were confirmed and signed. It was agreed unanimously that these were a true record and were signed by the Chairman.
6: Matters Arising
Post box in North Huish – Cllr Ring reported that this has now been rectified, a metal guard has been fitted.
Monthly meeting room hire – Clerk has contacted Avon Vale Tennis Club who have agreed with the proposed cost of £22.75 per meeting, on a month-by-month basis, and they agreed to invoice this monthly as well.
Standing Orders and Code of Conduct – Clerk has sent a copy of the NALC model standing orders, and the SHDC model code of conduct out to Councillors via email to read over. It was proposed by Cllr Bell, seconded by the Chairman, to adopt these at the next meeting, and to make any amendments as the council feels necessary, this will be put forward formally as an agenda item for September’s meeting. It was clarified by the clerk that these can be adopted and amended in an ordinary meeting of the full council.
To appoint a P3 Co-ordinator – Cllr Snoxall reported that she has contacted John Woodley, the existing P3 co-ordinator to ask if he would like to continue in this role, she is waiting to hear back. Cllr Snoxall also raised a concern about some knotweed in the parish, clerk to action by contacting the footpaths officer.
Enforcement cases – A representative from the enforcement team was invited and planned to attend this meeting, however she was too unwell to attend and sent her apologies. She will plan to attend a future meeting, and the clerk has provided a provisional date for September’s meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Bell to invite County Cllr Thomas and a district Cllr to attend as well. This was agreed unanimously.
SWW update on drainage works – This is ongoing, to carry forward to next meeting.
7: Reports
County Council
No report has been submitted to the Parish Council for this month.
District Council
A report has been circulated to the council and was discussed by District Cllr Hancock in the meeting, a copy of the report will be published on the website. Cllr Hancock invited Councillors to a virtual meeting with SHDC on 26th July re: Town & Parish Forum meeting. Cllr Grevatt said that he is happy to attend on behalf of the parish council once he has checked his diary and is free to attend. Cllr Grevatt asked Cllr Hancock if there is any update on the new recycling scheme planned ie boxes instead of bags etc, Cllr Hancock explained this is planned to rollout in the Autumn.
Playpark report
Cllr Bell reported this is ok, no issues. The clerk asked to see copies of monthly inspection reports, for insurance purposes.
Tree Warden’s report
Cllr Bell said that Ash Dieback is looking more obvious now in hedgerows, quite a few trees are beginning to lean, parishioners can report this to the Parish Council, or report this themselves to the County Council if highways are affected. Cllr Ring asked about re-planting schemes, and Cllr Bell advised there are a few schemes where for example The Woodland Trust may be able to provide free or low cost saplings or “whips” to landowners.
Cllr Grevatt reported that both defibrillators are working fine in the parish.
8: Planning
None to note this month.
Application number 1700/23/NMM
Location – Bobolink, Avonwick. TQ10 9EY.
Non material minor amendment to planning consent 2131/21/HHO to allow for traditional block construction & for the inclusion of a roof light in the flat roof.
Decision: Conditional Approval.
Application number 1841/23/COM
Location – Charford Manor, Diptford. TQ9 7LT.
Proposal - Notice of Intent to Install Electronic Communication Apparatus
Comprising One Pole at 10.5 metres high (9 mtrs above ground)
Decision: permitted development.
9: Correspondence
All correspondence has already been circulated to the council.
District Cllr Hancock left the meeting.
10: Finance
Opening balances at Bank as at 12th May 2023
Treasurers Account 2,621.32 Business Bank Instant Account 7,864.76 Balance 10,486.08 Receipts:
9th June Interest received 5.01 Payments:
25th May J & MJ Widdicombe 105.60 31st May BHIB PC Annual Insurance 386.03 1st June Clerks salary 105.90 1st June HMRC PAYE 24.20 13th June Avon Vale Tennis Club meeting room hire for two months 44.00 NB A transfer of 1,000.00 was made from the Business Bank Instant Account to the Treasurers account on 13th June. Closing balances as at 13th June 2023
Treasurers Account 955.59 Business Bank Instant Account 8,869.77 Balance 9,825.36
An invoice for £211.20 from J&MJ Widdicombe was approved for payment, for work done in clearing drains and buddleholes, 8 hours, in June.
11: Highways
Cleaning of road signs – the chairman will chase this up with Mr Widdicombe.
White line marking – this was discussed in last month’s meeting, and it was clarified by Cllr Grevatt that the SLOW markings for safety, on the Totnes Road on the approach to the new bridge at Avonwick need to be re-instated, these were removed when road work was done last year, and never put back. Also, the SLOW markings in Blackhall Lane outside the play park need to be re-instated as well. Clerk to follow this up with Nick Colton, local highways officer.
Kitterford Cross roundabout safety audit report – this is ongoing.
12: Next Meeting
It was proposed by Cllr Gabriel and unanimously agreed to discuss a current enforcement case in a part 2 meeting this evening.
Next meeting to be held on Tuesday 5th September 2023 7.30pm at Avon Vale Tennis Club.
The standing orders and code of conduct will be included on the agenda to adopt in the next meeting, and to make any amendments as necessary, apart from items marked in bold, these are legal points.
A review of the forum is to be provided at the next meeting.
Cllr Snoxall passed her apologies on for the next meeting.