Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Key information

Meeting location: Avon Vale Tennis and Croquet Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick, TQ10 9EJ

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

Sound Recording You can download the audio recording for this meeting or use the player embedded in this page after the download link. Download the audio file here.

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Agenda for the NHPC meeting to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 5th September 2023 at Avon Vale Tennis Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick. TQ10 9EJ.

1:             Open Forum

For parishioners to raise matters of concern relevant to the work of the Parish Council.

(NB matters concerning other bodies e.g. SWW, SHDC and DCC should normally be referred directly to such bodies.  The Parish Council would try to assist where difficulties arise after such a referral has taken place.)

2:             Present

3:             Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence (if any)

4:             Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest (if any)

5:             Previous Minutes

To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th July 2023

6:             Matters Arising

Update on the Town and Parish Councils forum from Cllr Grevatt.

To adopt NALC Model Standing Orders, and SHDC Model Code of Conduct and to make any amendments as necessary.

Update re: P3 Co-ordinator.

Enforcement cases – invite sent to the enforcement team to attend a future meeting.

SWW update on drainage works.

7:             Reports

To receive Reports from

  1. County Councillor Thomas
  2. District Councillor Pannell or Hancock
  3. Play Park inspection
  4. Tree Warden Report

8:             Planning

To consider Planning Applications and to note decisions:

No planning applications to note since the last meeting.


Withdrawn planning application No. 3082/22/HHO

Location: Southornwell, North Huish TQ10 9NL

Proposal: Householder application for removal of existing porch & roof over single storey section & erection of single storey extension.

9:             Correspondence

To consider correspondence received, including an invite to Cllr Pannell’s civic service,

an email received from a parishioner re: dog mess on a riverbank path near the old bridge, Avonwick, an email re: flash flooding in Avonwick, DALC invite to AGM in September.

10:      Finance

To note recent and future income and expenditure.

Opening balances at Bank on 14th June 2023

Treasurers Account  955.59
Business Bank Instant Account  8,869.77
Balance  9,825.36


10th July Interest received  5.96
9th August Interest received  6.57


3rd July Clerks salary  135.08
3rd July HMRC PAYE  31.20
28th July J & MJ Widdicombe  211.20
1st August Clerks salary  105.90
1st August HMRC PAYE  24.20
3rd August AVTCC  22.00
9th August DALC (Clerk’s course)  36.00
11th August TSOHost (Website)  47.76

Closing balances on 11th August 2023

Treasurers Account  342.25
Business Bank Instant Account  8,882.30
Balance  9,224.55

11:      Highways

To consider Highway matters.

Cleaning of road signs

White line marking

12:      Any other business

13:      Next meeting

To consider items for future meetings.

To agree a date for the next Meeting (Tuesday 3rd October 2023?)

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 5 September 2023

These minutes were approved on 3 October 2023

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.

Draft Minutes of the NHPC meeting held on Tuesday 5th September 2023.

1:      Open Forum

The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. No members of the public were in attendance. Cllr Grevatt explained that Cllrs may wish to comment on the open consultation regarding changes to the planning regime initiated by the government, on the government’s website, specifically about changes to permitted development rights, and changes of use regarding agricultural buildings:

2:      Present:

Cllrs Steer, Grevatt, Bell, Gabriel, Hunt, and Ring. County Cllr Thomas. No members of the public were in attendance.

Parish Clerk Zoe O’Sullivan was also present.

3:  Apologies for absence

Cllr Snoxall.

4:  Declarations of Interest


5:  Previous Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on the 4th July 2023 were confirmed and signed, after an amendment was made to Cllr Snoxall’s name being listed as County Cllr in error. It was agreed unanimously that these were a true record and were signed by the Chairman.

6:  Matters Arising

Cllr Grevatt updated Cllrs on the Parish Council Forum held online in July with SHDC.

To adopt the SHDC model Code of Conduct – it was proposed by Cllr Bell, seconded by Cllr Grevatt, and agreed by all councillors present, to adopt the Code of Conduct as it stands with no amendments needed.

To adopt NALC model Standing Orders – it was agreed unanimously to set up a working group of two Cllrs, Cllr Grevatt and Cllr Gabriel, to tailor this to suit our Parish Council, and then circulate an amended version out to the full council for discussion for the next meeting.

P3 Co-ordinator – Cllr Snoxall was not present at the meeting but has emailed the clerk to say that John Woodley is unable to carry on in this role, so she will be taking this on now. Cllr Snoxall did report that the issue of the knotweed near Gara Bridge and a tree down will be reported by him.

Enforcement cases – Invite sent to the enforcement team to attend a future meeting. The clerk said that they emailed her to say they would not be able to attend this meeting either due to annual leave. They have provided an update on current cases in the meantime, and it was agreed to hold a part 2 meeting to touch upon those, and the response from the enforcement team. It was agreed to invite them to attend the next meeting in October. NB Since the meeting, a phone call was received by the clerk to advise that they will be attending our next meeting.

SWW Update on drainage works. The clerk said she had received an update on this from Jolyon Halford recently and this was discussed. It was proposed by Cllr Bell and agreed with all Cllrs to reply requesting an update on the attenuation pond at Higher Moor which has never worked since completion/install. Clerk to action.

7:  Reports

County Council

A brief report was submitted, and will be circulated and published with the minutes. Cllr Thomas advised that there was a protest group (20 is plenty) at a meeting in County Hall this week.

District Council

A report has been circulated to the council and was discussed in the meeting. This will be published on the website with the minutes.

Playpark report

Cllr Bell reported that everything is fine, no issues to report this month.

Tree Warden’s report

Cllr Bell said there were no issues to report this month, however going forwards, there is a big report nationally on how tree wardens could help planning and councillors in the future, and protecting hedges will also be a focus.

8:  Planning


None to note this month.

Withdrawn planning application No. 3082/22/HHO

Location: Southornwell, North Huish TQ10 9NL

Proposal: Householder application for removal of existing porch & roof over single storey section & erection of single storey extension.

9:  Correspondence

The clerk has circulated all correspondence via email to councillors, a couple of items to note being an invite to councillors for District Cllr Pannell’s civic service at St Petroc’s church on Sunday 24th September, an email from a parishioner regarding dog fouling near the Cobbly Walk, clerk to contact SHDC to request some dog fouling signage to display there. An email was also received from the environment agency re: flash flooding – it was agreed for the clerk to contact Marigold to ask about any active flood groups in the parish and respond. An invite to DALC’s AGM has been circulated, and an invite to South Hams COL briefing will be circulated shortly.

10:  Finance

Cllr Gabriel said that he’s been asked by Mr Widdicombe to provide him with an annual budget for him to work towards, for all work within the parish, it was agreed by councillors that the clerk will have a look at hours worked, hourly cost and costs invoiced within the last two years, and report back in the next meeting on this, and then this information will be provided to him. Clerk to action.

County Cllr Thomas entered the meeting.

Cllr Grevatt advised that the cost of £47.76 for website had been paid between meetings and was pre-approved in the budget. This charge covered the two domains, and there will be a further charge for web hosting in November.

Opening balances at Bank on 14th June 2023

Treasurers Account  955.59
Business Bank Instant Account  8,869.77
Balance  9,825.36


10th July Interest received  5.96
9th August Interest received  6.57


3rd July Clerks salary  135.08
3rd July HMRC PAYE  31.20
28th July J & MJ Widdicombe  211.20
1st August Clerks salary  105.90
1st August HMRC PAYE  24.20
3rd August AVTCC  22.00
9th August DALC (Clerk’s course)  36.00
11th August TSOHost (Website)  47.76

Closing balances on 11th August 2023

Treasurers Account  342.25
Business Bank Instant Account  8,882.30
Balance  9,224.55

11:  Highways

County Cllr Thomas advised that the issues of white line marking regarded as a safety issue, brought up previously by Cllr Grevatt, will be fast tracked. Updates to follow.

The Chairman raised an issue with a leaning road sign on the slip road towards South Brent/Avonwick just near the Woodpecker junction. County Cllr Thomas agreed to look into.

Cllr Grevatt advised that he was approached by a parishioner who showed him a document, regarding some plans which were drawn up to improve visibility at the junction from Blackhall Lane to the centre of the village in Avonwick, when Church Walk was built. This has never been done, Cllr Grevatt queried County Cllr Thomas if there is any reason why this was never done. County Cllr Thomas agreed to look into this, although this is a District council query.

Cllr Grevatt also asked County Cllr Thomas about why a 30mph restriction has not been extended along this same road considering there is a children’s play mark, and SLOW markings along it. County Cllr Thomas to look into this as well.

County Cllr Thomas left the meeting.

12:  Any other business

There was no other business to discuss in the meeting.

13: Next Meeting

Items for future meetings:

  • Invite to enforcement team to attend a future meeting.
  • Standing orders amendments/tailored.
  • P3 Co-ordinator update.
  • John Widdicombe budget figures.
  • Flood group update.

The next meeting was agreed to be held on Tuesday 3rd October at 7.30pm, at Avon Vale Tennis Club.

It was agreed to discuss current enforcement cases in a part 2 meeting this evening, following the ordinary meeting.