Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 5 December 2023
Key information
Meeting location: Avon Vale Tennis and Croquet Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick, TQ10 9EJ
Meeting time: 7.30 pm
Sound Recording
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Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 5 December 2023
Agenda for the NHPC meeting to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 5th December 2023 at Avon Vale Tennis Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick. TQ10 9EJ.
1: Open Forum
For parishioners to raise matters of concern relevant to the work of the Parish Council.
(NB matters concerning other bodies e.g. SWW, SHDC and DCC should normally be referred directly to such bodies. The Parish Council would try to assist where difficulties arise after such a referral has taken place.)
2: Present
3: Apologies for absence
To receive apologies for absence (if any)
4: Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interest (if any)
5: Previous Minutes
To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2023.
6: Matters Arising
- Update on attenuation pond at Higher Moor not working. (Clerk has circulated a reply to councillors from the local officer from Firstport, with a quote from their contractor sent to the resident committee directors).
- Dog fouling signage near the cobbly walk.
- Letter to enforcement re: Butterford.
- Debris in river at Bickham Bridge.
7: Reports
To receive Reports from
- County Councillor Thomas
- District Councillor Pannell or Hancock
- Play Park inspection
- Tree Warden Report
- P3 Co-ordinator Report
8: Planning
To consider Planning Applications and to note decisions:
Proposal: Use of two pods in the rear garden for B&B (Retrospective)
Site Address: Avon Inn, Avonwick, Devon, TQ10 9NB – Comments to be submitted by 14th December 2023.
Reference: 2609/23/VAR
Proposal: Application for variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning consent 1933/21/HHO to include front balcony amendments (resubmission of 2320/22/VAR)
Site Address: Leigh Side, Avonwick, TQ10 9LX – Comments to be submitted by 14th December 2023.
Reference: 3616/23/FUL
Proposal: Conversion of traditional barn & adjacent outbuilding to ancillary holiday accommodation
Site Address: Shadows, Diptford, TQ9 7NN – Comments to be submitted by 21st December 2023.
Reference: 3439/23/VAR
Proposal: Application for variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning consent 4107/18/ARM
Site Address: Lower Greenslade Farm, Avonwick, TQ10 9EZ – Comments to be submitted by 4th January 2024.
Reference: 3796/23/PAA
Description: Prior Approval Application for proposed agricultural access track following determination of 3206/23/AGR
Site Address: Land At Sx 699 557 Ugborough (This is for information only)
Reference: 3191/23/ARC
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by condition 6 (Materials) of planning consent 1578/18/FUL
Site address: Church Barn, North Huish, TQ10 9NQ
Decision: Discharge of condition approved.
9: Correspondence
- To consider correspondence received.
10: Finance
- To note recent and future income and expenditure.
- To consider and approve budget figures proposed and circulated by the clerk for 2024/2025.
- To consider and approve NALC salary pay review for the clerk, for 2023/2024. (To be backdated from April 2023) Salary scale point 9.
- To consider and approve invoice ref 2144 from Mr Widdicombe for £184.80 for clearing drains in October (7 hours work).
- To consider & approve invoice from AVTCC for November’s meeting, including arrears under invoiced on previous invoices. £22.00 + arrears.
Opening balances at Bank as at 13th October 2023
Treasurers Account 2,580.30 Business Bank Instant Account 8,898.78 Balance 11,479.08 Receipts:
9th November Interest received 9.83 Payments:
18th October AVTCC monthly meetings for September & October 44.00 18th October J Widdicombe invoice 66.00 1st November Clerks salary & expenses 105.90 1st November HMRC PAYE 24.20 Closing balances as at 9th November 2023
Treasurers Account 2,340.20 Business Bank Instant Account 8,908.61 Balance 11,248.81
11: Highways
To consider Highway matters.
Previous queries raised by Cllr Grevatt to County Cllr Thomas, any updates.
Fingerpost at Horsebrook junction in Avonwick is leaning, reported to the clerk by a local resident.
Visibility at Church Walk to Blackhall Lane junction obscured by vegetation, reported to clerk by a local resident.
Grit bins/Snow warden planning for the winter?
12: Next meeting
To consider items for future meetings.
To agree a date for the next Meeting (Tuesday 2nd January 2024??)
Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 5 December 2023
These minutes were approved on 9 January 2024
Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.
Draft Minutes of the NHPC meeting held on Tuesday 5th December 2023.
1: Open Forum
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, and explained how members of the public can participate in the meeting. Four members of the public attended this meeting.
The Chairman explained that the parish councils’ previous Chairman, Cllr Gabriel had been taken very ill within the previous week, and therefore would not be able to attend the meeting, he sent his best wishes on behalf of the council, to his family at this time.
A director of the Higher Moor residents committee introduced herself to the council in relation to an item on the agenda – the attenuation pond, under matters arising from the last meeting. Another member of the public introduced himself to the council and explained he was attending in relation to a planning application, and to answer any queries councillors may have regarding this, later in the meeting.
2: Present:
Cllrs Steer (Chair), Cllr Grevatt (Vice Chair), Cllrs Hunt, Bell, Ring and Snoxall.
District Councillor Hancock.
County Councillor Thomas.
3: Apologies for absence
Cllr Gabriel, due to illness. Apologies were accepted by the council.
4: Declarations of Interest
None declared.
5: Previous Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on the 7th November 2023 were confirmed as a true record, this was agreed unanimously.
6: Matters Arising
Update on attenuation pond at Higher Moor
The clerk advised that she had circulated all recent correspondence relating to this, to all councillors, and had contacted the management company Firstport, who had arranged to take a look at the pond in relation to the maintenance of it. They have since emailed a quote to the directors of the Higher Moor residents committee for clearing all vegetation around the pond itself, which wasn’t requested by either the council or the committee. One of the directors was given permission to speak about this matter by the Chairman, standing orders were suspended for this. She explained that the quote and work is not something that residents were happy with, or that they felt was necessary. They have however asked for a quote from the managing agent, for a path to be constructed to allow access for routine inspection of the pond, and hopefully then be able to see if the inflow is working as it should be. Following an initial inspection of the pond, by two directors, it is felt that the pond is actually working as it should be, it is holding a small amount of water.
This was further discussed with councillors, and it was agreed for the clerk to follow up on previous contact with SWW to try and ascertain the issue with excess water and overloading of the pumping station in Avonwick. Cllr Bell will forward details of another contact at SWW to the clerk.
Dog Fouling Signs – the clerk has been in touch with the district officer to request new signage that could possibly be affixed to existing street furniture. District Cllr Hancock will assist on this issue. Update to follow.
The clerk advised she has written to the district council to express the parish council and residents dis-satisfaction regarding the Butterford ongoing situation, mentioned in previous monthly meeting minutes.
The debris at Bickham bridge has been cleared now.
7: Reports
County Council
County Cllr Thomas gave a short verbal report on upcoming plans for devolution in Devon. He also advised that he’s agreed for the speed limit on the A3121 Ermington to be reduced from 40mph to 30mph recently.
District Council
A report has been circulated to the council and will be published with the minutes on the website. District Cllr Hancock asked if there were any reported issues with the new recycling system, Cllr Grevatt advised that some residents asked if smaller green containers are available, and also some said they struggled with the lids on the green containers. District Cllr Hancock suggested any residents who have any issues with this, please to contact your District Councillors to report.
District Cllr Hancock also advised there is a new thermal camera hire scheme operating.
He also asked if anyone is aware of any rough sleepers in the parish, there were none as far as anyone was aware.
County Cllr Thomas left the meeting.
Playpark report
Cllr Grevatt agreed to do a monthly inspection, whilst Cllr Gabriel is ill.
Tree Warden’s report
Cllr Bell reported that the work to hedgerow in North Huish reported last month has now been completed. Land owners are reminded to look out for Ash Dieback.
P3 Report
Nothing to report this month.
Defibrillator Report
Cllr Grevatt reported that the defibrillator in Avonwick was used once this month.
District Cllr Hancock left the meeting.
8: Planning
To consider Planning Applications and to note decisions:
Proposal: Use of two pods in the rear garden for B&B (Retrospective)
Site Address: Avon Inn, Avonwick, Devon, TQ10 9NB – Comments to be submitted by 14th December 2023.
Unanimous Decision – Support.
Reference: 2609/23/VAR
Proposal: Application for variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning consent 1933/21/HHO to include front balcony amendments (resubmission of 2320/22/VAR)
Site Address: Leigh Side, Avonwick, TQ10 9LX
Comments to be submitted by 14th December 2023.
Unanimous Decision – Support.
Reference: 3616/23/FUL
Proposal: Conversion of traditional barn & adjacent outbuilding to ancillary holiday accommodation
Site Address: Shadows, Diptford, TQ9 7NN – Comments to be submitted by 21st December 2023. Decision – Support by majority vote.
Reference: 3439/23/VAR
Proposal: Application for variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning consent 4107/18/ARM
Site Address: Lower Greenslade Farm, Avonwick, TQ10 9EZ – Comments to be submitted by 4th January 2024.
Unanimous Decision – Support.
Reference: 3796/23/PAA
Description: Prior Approval Application for proposed agricultural access track following determination of 3206/23/AGR
Site Address: Land At SX 699 557 Ugborough
(This is for information only)
Reference: 3191/23/ARC
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by condition 6 (Materials) of planning consent 1578/18/FUL
Site address: Church Barn, North Huish, TQ10 9NQ
Decision: Discharge of condition approved.
9: Correspondence
The clerk has already circulated all correspondence via email to councillors, no other correspondence to note.
10: Finance
Proposed budget figures for 2024/25 have been circulated prior to the meeting by the clerk for discussion, one amendment was proposed to include £190 for new defibrillator pads. The budget was agreed unanimously by the council.
Two invoices were approved for payment unanimously as follows:
- Invoice to AVTCC for £49.25 for November and December meetings
- J & MJ Widdicombe – Invoice ref 2144 £184.80 for clearing drains in October (7 hours work)
NALC Salary award for 2023/24 was discussed and noted, at salary scale point 9, increase per hour from £12.06 to £13.06 per hour, and this will be backdated to 1st April this year.
Opening balances at Bank as at 13th October 2023
Treasurers Account 2,580.30 Business Bank Instant Account 8,898.78 Balance 11,479.08 Receipts:
9th November Interest received 9.83 Payments:
18th October AVTCC monthly meetings for September & October 44.00 18th October J Widdicombe invoice 66.00 1st November Clerks salary & expenses 105.90 1st November HMRC PAYE 24.20 Closing balances as at 9th November 2023
Treasurers Account 2,340.20 Business Bank Instant Account 8,908.61 Balance 11,248.81
11: Highways
Kitterford Cross Roundabout – Cllr Bell asked County Cllr Thomas to investigate issues of flooding through stones and what’s happening re: verges.
The clerk advised that the vegetation on the Church Walk to Blackhall Lane junction has now been trimmed back.
Cllr Grevatt reported that two culverts on the road between the old bridge and Horsebrook have failed repeatedly over the years, and asked if a more permanent repair could be arranged. County Cllr Thomas will add this to the capital list.
Grit Bins – Clerk to check the grit bins and report any that need re-filling etc. It was discussed to ask the County Council for a tonne of salt/grit and possibly site this near to Cousins Bros garage, permission would need to be sought from them for this.
12: Next Meeting
Items for future meetings:
The next meeting was agreed to be held on Tuesday 9th January 2024 at 7.30pm, at Avon Vale Tennis Club.
District Council Report
District Councillor's Report December 2023
Parish report from your District Councillors, December 4th 2023
Progress of new recycling service
The rollout of the Devon Aligned Service (DAS) for our recycling and waste collections began on 20 November. It has gone as smoothy as we could have wished, with only a small number of complaints.
Residents can support us by reporting a missed collection on our website. The way we will measure the success of the service is via Whitespace (computer programme), which is why it’s so important that missed collections are logged online. Reporting online allows us to address missed collection data in real time and improve our service.. We will try to collect missed collections within two working days of receiving the report. Residents can visit our 'Missed Collections' page to let us know if we haven't collected their waste and recycling. Householders still presenting recycling bags or extra cardboard will receive a note explaining where they have gone wrong. It is hoped to reintroduce the collection of extra cardboard within a few weeks. Some residents may wish to make a complaint about a different aspect of the service. Complaints should generally be logged online – find out more here:
Devolution Deal for Devon and Torbay
Devon County Council has received confirmation that the Government has given the green light for plans for a devolution deal. The proposed plans would create a Combined County Authority (CCA), a partnership between Devon County Council, Torbay Council, Exeter City Council and other district councils across Devon. Plymouth City Council have decided not to join the partnership. Importantly, the deal would not change any of the councils’ established democratic structures and our responsibilities for the delivery of local services would remain unchanged. The deal would include new funding to support skills training and new jobs for the growing green economy.
This is part of a wider package of powers and funding being negotiated for transfer from Whitehall to local government in Devon and Torbay. A formal announcement with further details from Government is expected in the forthcoming Autumn Statement. There will be an eight-week public consultation on the proposal to create a Combined County Authority which would have responsibility for any powers devolved from Whitehall.
New Planning IT System
At the end of November South Hams Council introduced a new Planning IT system. This does not apply to parishes or parts of parishes within Dartmoor National Park. The new system will bring a range of benefits and improvements to our Planning Service. It will bring efficiencies to officer work streams and lead to quicker decisions for our customers.
Single Person Discount Review
The Council has begun a Single Person Discount Review of those receiving a 25% reduction in their Council Tax because they are the sole adult occupant of their property. Just over 14,000 occupants in the area receive a 25% Single Occupancy discount, which reduces 2023/24 Council Tax bills by over £7million. The Single Person Discount Review is being carried out Devon wide and funded by Devon County Council. Due to the numbers involved, it will be performed by a company called Capacity Grid, part of a larger company called Liberata, who will match Single Person Occupancy data to other information, to identify cases where there may be the potential of a second occupant.
Those residents will receive a review letter and once issued there will shortly be available a link on our website (and only our website): - - for residents to complete the review form and provide confirmation that they are the sole occupant. For residents who are not able to get online or need additional assistance, they can call Capacity Grid on freephone 0808 168 8923, where someone will be happy to help with completion of the form.
Thermal Imaging Camera Hire Service
As part of our commitment to help reduce carbon emissions in our area and help people improve the energy efficiencies of their homes, we have four thermal imaging cameras available for use by town and parish councils, or local communities on a free to borrow basis.
Following a successful trial undertaken by Bigbury Net Zero over the winter of 2022/2023, which was supported through our Climate Engagement Fund, we have been using the result to develop a thermal imaging camera hire scheme.
Applications to hire one can be made by Town and Parish Councils or organised community groups only. Cameras are available to borrow for up to two weeks. It's expected that applicants will use the cameras with local residents to survey several homes within the hire period.
South Hams Community Action
At their AGM, the trustees of the South Hams Council for Voluntary Service announced that with immediate effect, the CVS would be rebranded South Hams Community Action. During the AGM, the South Hams Community Action team set out their ambitious plans for the organisation. We are looking forward to working with them over the coming years.
Free Skills Training for Residents
Having up-to-date skills in an ever changing workplace jobs market is a great way to stand out from the crowd!
For residents looking to kickstart a new career, upskill or change roles, the Skills Bootcamp might be the thing for them.
The Skills Bootcamp offers FREE, flexible training in a range of exciting sectors for those aged 19+ living in Devon - so our residents automatically apply for the scheme.
Rough sleeper estimate
Each year, we are required to submit an estimate of how many rough sleepers are out on any given night to the Government. This year our estimate was over the night of 6 November into 7 November. For 23/24, the official number of people verified as being out was five. Four of them were in Totnes, while one is in South Brent. This remains unchanged for 22/23, when the figure was also five. However, they are not the same people. The severe weather emergency accommodation is activated when the temperature is predicted to be zero, and people remain accommodated during this period. We also accommodate on amber weather warnings.
AONBs renamed National Landscapes
All designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) in England and Wales are becoming National Landscapes, including South Devon. The new name reflects their national importance; the vital contribution they make to protect the nation from the threats of climate change, nature depletion and the wellbeing crisis, while also creating greater understanding and awareness for the work that they do.
This is a significant milestone for the UK and the next step in fully realising the National Landscapes’ vision to be the leading exemplars of how thriving, diverse communities can work with and for nature in the UK: restoring ecosystems, providing food, storing carbon to mitigate the effects of climate change, safeguarding against drought and flooding, while also nurturing people’s health and wellbeing. You can find out more on the South Devon National Landscapes.