Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 6 February 2024
Key information
Meeting location: Avon Vale Tennis and Croquet Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick, TQ10 9EJ
Meeting time: 7.30 pm
Sound Recording
You can download the audio recording for this meeting or use the player embedded in this page after the download link. Download the audio file here.Agenda
Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 6 February 2024
Agenda for the NHPC meeting to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 6th February 2024 at Avon Vale Tennis Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick. TQ10 9EJ.
1: Open Forum
For parishioners to raise matters of concern relevant to the work of the Parish Council.
(NB matters concerning other bodies e.g. SWW, SHDC and DCC should normally be referred directly to such bodies. The Parish Council would try to assist where difficulties arise after such a referral has taken place.)
2: Present
3: Apologies for absence
To receive apologies for absence (if any)
4: Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interest (if any)
5: Previous Minutes
To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2024.
6: Matters Arising
Defibrillator replacement pads – Cllr Grevatt to report.
Defibrillator training
Dog Fouling in Avonwick
7: Reports
To receive Reports from
- County Councillor Thomas
- District Councillor Pannell or Hancock
- Play Park Inspection
- Tree Warden Report
- P3 Co-ordinator Report
- Defibrillators Report
8: Planning
Feedback on planning training session held on Wednesday 24th January.
Planning Application reference 3972/23/HHO
Proposal: Householder application to construct new garage for residential purposes & replace existing swimming pool
Site Address: Barnford Avonwick TQ10 9LY.
Comments to be submitted by 14th February 2024.
Planning Application reference 0253/24/FUL
Proposal: General Purpose Agricultural Building
Site Address: Land at SX 720 542, Diptford.
Comments to be submitted by 4th March 2024.
Planning Application reference 3439/23/VAR
Description: Application for variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning consent 4107/18/ARM
Site Address: Lower Greenslade Farm, Avonwick, TQ10 9EZ.
Decision: Conditional Approval.
9: Correspondence
To consider correspondence received.
10: Finance
To note recent and future income and expenditure.
To approve Invoice from AVTCC for January’s meeting £22.75.
To approve Invoice from Mr R Northmore for grass cutting - Playpark - from April to October 2023 £730.00.
To discuss and approve Clerk’s overtime – planning training 24/01 - 3 hours.
To discuss and approve bank transfer from Business Bank Instant to Treasurer’s account.
Opening balances at Bank as at 14th December 2023
Treasurers Account 1,949.71 Business Bank Instant Account 8,918.76 Balance 10,868.47 Receipts:
9th January Interest received 9.21 Payments:
11th January J Widdicombe invoices 422.40 2nd January Clerks salary & expenses 172.30 2nd January HMRC PAYE 40.80 Closing balances as at 11th January 2024
Treasurers Account 1,314.21 Business Bank Instant Account 8,927.97 Balance 10,242.18
11: Highways
To consider Highway matters.
12: Next meeting
To consider items for future meetings.
To agree a date for the next Meeting (Tuesday 5th March 2024?)
Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 6 February 2024
These minutes were approved on 5 March 2024
Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.
The meeting was opened at 7.30pm, and there were two members of the public in attendance for this meeting.
1: Open Forum
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and expressed his condolences at the recent death of ex-Chairman and Cllr David Gabriel. Cllr Gabriel was well known and liked, a close neighbour and a good vet, and had served on the Parish Council for many years, most recently serving as Chairman for eight consecutive years between 2016-2023. He was forthright in his views. The Chairman gave thanks for all he did for the Parish Council, and condolences go to his wife at this difficult time.
A minute’s silence was observed by members at the request of the Chairman. His funeral will be held on Tuesday 13th February at 11.30am at Weston Mill Crematorium, Plymouth.
A lady representing the North Huish handbell ringers group requested for two parish councillors to volunteer to become custodians of the handbells as part of a three-way custodial agreement, this was discussed, and it was agreed that Cllr Hunt and Cllr Steer would represent the council for this purpose.
2: Present:
Cllrs Steer (Chair), Cllr Grevatt (Vice Chair), Cllrs Bell, Hunt, Ring and Snoxall.
District Cllr Hancock.
3: Apologies for absence
County Cllr Thomas due to illness. Apologies were accepted by the council.
4: Declarations of Interest
None declared.
5: Previous Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on the 9th January 2024 were confirmed as a true record and signed, this was agreed unanimously.
6: Matters Arising
Defibrillator replacement pads
Cllr Grevatt gave a report to the council and explained that the pads for the defibrillator at Avonwick are due to expire shortly, the price for one set of adult pads is £144.00 including VAT, and the price of the child’s pads for the Avonwick defibrillator is £112.80 including VAT. This was discussed and agreed these should be replaced as soon as possible, and the costs were approved, proposed by Cllr Bell, seconded by Cllr Hunt, agreed unanimously.
Training for defibrillator use
Cllr Snoxall explained that she has spoken with a paramedic regarding this, who is happy to facilitate this. It was suggested that we ask if any members of the public would like to engage with training firstly, and then discuss a plan to provide this. Cllr Grevatt agreed to ask the public if anyone is interested, on the website, and the clerk will publish the same on noticeboards. The clerk explained that she has now heard back from the clerk at Diptford also regarding this, they will discuss this in their February meeting and respond in due course. Updates to follow.
Dog Fouling
Cllr Grevatt has been advised by members of the public that dog waste bags have been left along the permissive path in Avonwick and thrown onto back gardens bordering the path. The clerk advised that the dog fouling signs recently replaced near the Cobbly Walk have again been removed. Cllr Ring also advised there is also waste bags being discarded near Combe House. It was agreed to monitor this situation and defer to the next meeting.
7: Reports
County Council
A report has just been received and will be published with the minutes; County Cllr Thomas was not present at this meeting.
District Council
A report has been circulated to the council and will be published with the minutes on the website. District Cllr Hancock advised that District Cllr’s have been given an additional £2K each of the locality fund to support any climate change or biodiversity projects within the parish, details are included in the report.
Residents are reminded to sign up to the garden waste recycling scheme if required.
Playpark report
Cllr Grevatt reported no issues this month.
Tree Warden’s report
Nothing to report this month. With the recent high winds, landowners are reminded to keep an eye on any falling branches.
P3 Report
Cllr Snoxall has emailed the previous P3 Co-ordinator regarding previous P3 bid forms, just waiting for a reply. It was suggested that the cobbly walk would be a project to investigate possibly, as well as the path near Stretchney. It was suggested that councillors walked some of the parish paths and feed back at a later meeting. Updates to follow.
Defibrillator Report
Cllr Grevatt reported that the light in the North Huish defibrillator has been reset recently.
District Cllr Hancock left the meeting.
8: Planning
Feedback on planning training session held on Wednesday 24th January. The clerk and two councillors attended the recent training, neighbourhood plans were discussed, and more information on comments when submitted in support of a planning application were also noted.
Planning Application reference 3972/23/HHO
Proposal: Householder application to construct new garage for residential purposes & replace existing swimming pool
Site Address: Barnford Avonwick TQ10 9LY.
Comments to be submitted by 14th February 2024.
This was discussed by councillors, and two were in favour of supporting the application, and two objected to the application, two abstained. The Chairman used his casting vote in favour of supporting, majority vote to support was agreed.
Planning Application reference 0253/24/FUL
Proposal: General Purpose Agricultural Building
Site Address: Land at SX 720 542, Diptford.
Comments to be submitted by 4th March 2024.
This was discussed by councillors, and it was agreed unanimously to support the application conditionally, subject to screening, hedging and landscaping to reduce the visual impact.
Planning Application reference 3439/23/VAR
Description: Application for variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning consent 4107/18/ARM
Site Address: Lower Greenslade Farm, Avonwick, TQ10 9EZ.
Decision: Conditional Approval.
9: Correspondence
The clerk has already circulated all correspondence via email to councillors, there were recently two hand delivered letters from SWW regarding surveying work in Avonwick being carried out now, and also further work scheduled in March to note.
10: Finance
Two invoices were approved for payment as follows:
Invoice from AVTCC for January’s meeting £22.75.
Invoice from Mr R Northmore for monthly grass cutting of the Playpark (April to October 2023) £730.00. Cllr Bell suggested that a more formal arrangement ought to be put in place now regarding the contract, and it was agreed that the Chairman will speak to Mr Northmore regarding this, and that the council will obtain quotes from other contractors as well as part of this, going forwards.
Clerk’s overtime of 3 hours to attend planning training 24/01 was approved for payment.
A bank transfer of £1,000 from the Business bank instant account to the Treasurers account was discussed and approved. Clerk to action.
Opening balances at Bank as at 14th December 2023
Treasurers Account 1,949.71 Business Bank Instant Account 8,918.76 Balance 10,868.47 Receipts:
9th January Interest received 9.21 Payments:
11th January J Widdicombe invoices 422.40 2nd January Clerks salary & expenses 172.30 2nd January HMRC PAYE 40.80 Closing balances as at 11th January 2024
Treasurers Account 1,314.21 Business Bank Instant Account 8,927.97 Balance 10,242.18
11: Highways
The Chairman raised the ongoing issue with potholes in the parish and leaning signs, both of which have been reported sometime ago now. Updates to follow next meeting.
12: Next Meeting
Items for future meetings:
- Dog Fouling – to monitor.
- Tender for grass cutting.
The next meeting was agreed to be held on Tuesday 5th March 2024 at 7.30pm, at Avon Vale Tennis Club.
Meeting closed at 8.25pm.
County Council Report
County Councillor's Report February 2024
County Council report February 2024
Proposed transfer of powers and funding to local government
The Minister for Levelling Up, Jacob Young, was at the EPIC Centre in Torbay last week to sign a ground-breaking deal that could transfer significant decision-making powers and funding, from Whitehall to local government in Devon and Torbay.
The proposed Deal could mean that more decisions can be taken locally by people who know their areas best, and on things that matter to local people, such as building more affordable homes, investing in new quality jobs and skills, and improving public transport.
Mr Young was joined yesterday by the Leaders of Devon County Council and Torbay Council, two local MPs, and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
But before the proposal can be confirmed, it first needs to be supported by the two councils, followed by a six-week public consultation.
The proposed deal could create up to 50,000 new training and retraining opportunities by 2030
So what is the Devolution Deal?
The 40-page proposed Deal sets out in detail proposals that could see the transfer of powers and funding to a Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority, subject to public consultation.
The proposed Combined County Authority would be a partnership made up of Councillors representing the councils of Devon and Torbay, including District Councils, and representatives from business and education.
Together, that partnership would deliver on a jointly agreed programme, working alongside a wide range of local stakeholders to tackle key local priorities.
The Government has chosen Devon and Torbay as one of only a small number of local authority areas in the country to form a Combined County Authority (hereafter CCA), that will not require an elected Mayor or changes to the current structure of local councils.
The proposals would create a joint local action plan for affordable housing schemes for local people
What would the Deal allow the local councils to do?
It would allow important decisions to be taken locally by people who know their areas best, on things that matter to local people, such as building more affordable homes, investing in new quality jobs and skills, and improving public transport.
Here's a summary of the highlights:
- under the proposals, the CCA would have direct control of adult education to create up to 50,000 new training and retraining opportunities by 2030
- it would create a stronger relationship between employers and schools, colleges and universities to provide the skilled workforce the local economy needs for the future
- it would see the Government transfer over £16 million to invest in new green jobs, homes, skills, and business growth, and accelerate Devon and Torbay's transition to a net-zero economy
- there would be a stronger partnership with Homes England to create a joint local action plan for affordable housing schemes for local people, and reduce homelessness
- it would lead to even closer working between Devon and Torbay to improve the efficiency and co-ordination of public transport. There is an ambition to introduce a single ticketing system for travellers and investment in services to provide greater access to public transport
- Devon and Torbay would be responsible for developing, designing and delivering the next stages of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund from 2025
- there would be a significant boost to high growth business sectors in Devon and Torbay, such as advanced marine engineering, defence, photonics and digital
For more information on the Devolution Deal, there is a website:
District Council Report
District Councillor's Report February 2024
Parish report from your District Councillors February 5th
Devolution Deal for Devon and Torbay
Devolution for Devon and Torbay has taken a step nearer with the publication of Government proposals for a ground-breaking deal that could re-draw the future relationship between local government in Devon and Torbay, and Whitehall.
The plans, announced by Levelling Up Minister Jacob Young at an event in Paignton on 25 January, would enable more decisions to be taken locally on issues such as building more affordable homes, investing in new quality jobs and skills, and improving public transport. The 40-page proposed Deal sets out in detail proposals that could see the transfer of a range of powers and funding to a Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (CCA), subject to public consultation. Under the proposals the new body would have direct control of adult education to create up to 50,000 new training and retraining opportunities by 2030.
Through Local Skills Improvement Plans, the proposed CCA will work with business and education leaders to create a stronger, joined-up relationship between employers and schools, colleges and universities.. The Government .s proposing to transfer over £16 million of new funding to invest in new green jobs, homes, skills, and business growth and accelerate Devon and Torbay’s transition to a net-zero economy.
The Government is offering a stronger partnership with Homes England, capitalising on the Affordable Housing Programme and Brownfield Infrastructure and Land Fund to create a joint action plan for affordable housing schemes for local people and reduce homelessness. The proposal includes additional land assembly and compulsory purchase powers and would facilitate greater Community Land Trust-led delivery.
On transport, the proposed Deal builds on Devon County Council and Torbay Councils’ long history of working well together on local transport planning. The proposed Deal will strengthen this joined-up approach with Devon and Torbay working as equal partners on a CCA and improving the efficiency and co-ordination of public transport. There is an ambition to introduce a single ticketing system for travellers and investment in services to provide greater access to public transport.
The Government is also offering to transfer responsibility for developing, designing and delivering the next stages of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund from 2025.
The CCA would be responsible for working with Devon County Council, Torbay Council, District Councils and the business and education sectors to support high growth business sectors such as advanced marine engineering, defence, photonics and digital, and improve the look and feel of local communities with street and town centre enhancements.
The Government has chosen Devon and Torbay as one of only a small number of local authority areas in the country to form a Combined County Authority (CCA), that will not require an elected Mayor or changes to the current structure of local councils.
The new powers would be devolved to a proposed CCA – a partnership comprising Councillors representing the councils of Devon and Torbay, including District Councils, and representatives from business and education.
Together, the partnership would deliver on a jointly agreed programme, working alongside a wide range of other local stakeholders, to tackle key local priorities.
What happens next?
There will be a next step will be a six-week public consultation on a draft proposal to establish the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (DT CCA).beginning on 12 February. The results of the consultation will be considered by Devon County Council and Torbay Council in April, and subject to a decision by both authorities, followed by submission of a final Deal proposal to Government for approval.
If approved, the DT CCA would be established through secondary legislation introduced by Government.
Some critics see this deal as the first step on the road towards the abolition of District Councils in Devon and the creation of one or two Unitary authorities covering the whole county. Will this happen, and what is the timescale, who knows?
Executive approves Council Plan for 2024-5
South Hams District Council’s Executive has set out the Council’s priorities for the next four years in response to the challenges and opportunities faced by communities across the District. The Executive Committee considered The Council Plan 2024-2028 and its supporting Year 1 delivery plan. It recommended that Council should adopt both plans and approve the funding needed to deliver them. The Council Plan includes four key policy areas: to tackle the housing challenges, address climate change and biodiversity loss, support the economy and deliver good quality services to our communities.
The plan is funded by an investment of £4.59m. This is made up of £1m of money released from reserves and capital schemes that are no longer needed together with £3.59m from the realignment of core budgets and government grants such as the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. To complement the housing priorities in The Council Plan, The Executive also approved a specific action plan focused on Housing and Homelessness prevention. The focus for the next twelve months includes working with partners and communities to create good quality, genuinely affordable, energy efficient housing and making the best use of housing that already exists.
Another of the Council’s key priorities is to do all it can to respond to Climate change and Biodiversity loss . It will do this through supporting changes to agricultural practices and decarbonisation of the marine economy. Another key project is to work with the agriculture sector to develop a ‘keep it local’ scheme to promote local produce and reduce food miles.
Working with businesses and partner organisation will also be key to achieving the Council’s ambition to support a thriving and resilient economy. The community services the Council Delivers is also a key priority. It has pledged in The Council Plan to deliver effective frontline services that address consider the environment and enhance the wellbeing of communities across South Hams.
These four priorities will be underpinned by providing good quality core council services. The Council will do this by working closer with our communities, improving customers access to services, making sure it is financially sustainable and putting the right governance in place.
Grants for climate and ecology projects
District Councillors have been given a budget of £2,000 each to enable them to support a wide range of projects to help us tackle our Climate and Ecological Emergency Declarations. The project should meet one of the objectives in the South Hams Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy. These are:
- Reducing carbon emissions from households, businesses or organisations, including community and voluntary groups
- Supporting behaviour change and sustainable living
- Projects which will result in removal of carbon from the atmosphere through nature-based solutions or supporting improvements in biodiversity
- Providing education and awareness of the Climate and Ecological emergency through direct engagement with hard to reach groups and individuals
- Projects which aim to help communities and species adapt to the effects of Climate Change
- Projects to help reduce organisational carbon footprints
Each Councillor has a budget of £2,000 to help not for private profit groups or organisations to deliver community projects that benefit their Ward or the wider local area.
Garden waste service
South Hams residents can sign up to or renew their subscription for our garden waste collection service from 15 February. The fee is going up this year to cover costs, though we're offering a discount to those who sign up early. Anyone who signs up between 15 February and 1 April 2024 will pay a discounted fee of £52 for a year-long subscription running from April 2024 that covers collections for one brown wheelie bin.
There is a maximum of two subscriptions (which would cover two bins) per household. Anyone who signs up after 31 March will pay £55. This is an increase on last year’s fee, but it is necessary to cover rising costs.
The quickest and easiest way for residents to sign up is on our website: - the website is also full of information and useful FAQs on the service. Alternatively, residents can call us on 01803 861234, though we encourage everyone to use the website as it’s easier and quicker.
For current subscribers who renew by 1 April, there will be no changes to their service, and they can continue to use their brown bin with no interruptions.
Subscriptions for the 2023/24 year close on 14 February. We will be promoting subscriptions to residents with social media, e-mail newsletters, print advertising and a press relea
Support for our care leavers
At the last meeting of the Executive, it was agreed to adopt our new Employment Policy for care leavers.
If you know of a business or organisation who would like to support a care leaver, whether that be through employment, work experience or apprenticeships, please ask them to email
Free IT and digital training courses
Our partners Learn Devon have a range of free courses to choose from to help residents build on their digital skills.
They could help with things like accessing digital banking, connecting with loved ones online and accessing job and training opportunities.
Courses include help with the first steps to getting online, building computer confidence to gaining a nationally recognised 'Award in Digital Skills'.