Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 5 March 2024
Key information
Meeting location: Avon Vale Tennis and Croquet Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick, TQ10 9EJ
Meeting time: 7.30 pm
Sound Recording
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Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 5 March 2024
Agenda for the NHPC meeting to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 5th March 2024 at Avon Vale Tennis Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick. TQ10 9EJ.
1: Open Forum
For parishioners to raise matters of concern relevant to the work of the Parish Council.
(NB matters concerning other bodies e.g. SWW, SHDC and DCC should normally be referred directly to such bodies. The Parish Council would try to assist where difficulties arise after such a referral has taken place.)
2: Present
3: Apologies for absence
To receive apologies for absence (if any)
4: Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interest (if any)
5: Previous Minutes
To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 6th February 2024.
6: Matters Arising
- Defibrillator training
- Dog Fouling in Avonwick
- Tender for grass cutting
- North Huish noticeboard
7: Reports
To receive Reports from
- County Councillor Thomas
- District Councillor Pannell or Hancock
- Play Park Inspection
- Tree Warden Report
- P3 Co-ordinator Report
- Defibrillators Report
8: Planning
No new planning applications this month.
Planning Application references 4255 & 4256/23/ARC
Description: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (Facing Materials), 5 (Windows/Doors/Sills), 6 (Eaves/Verges) and 7 (Foul Drainage) of planning consent 2636/22/HHO
Site Address: The Rock, Avonwick. TQ10 9NB.
Decision: Discharge of condition approved.
9: Correspondence
To consider correspondence received.
- Email from a parishioner re: grass verges in Avonwick.
- Email from MP Anthony Mangnall re: writing articles for a parish magazine.
- Email from District Cllr Pannell re: £300 energy vouchers for South Hams residents.
10: Finance
- To note recent and future income and expenditure.
- To discuss and agree signatories required for Lloyds Bank accounts.
- To discuss and approve Mr Widdicombe’s invoice ref 2207 £105.60 for clearing drains in January.
- To discuss and approve Invoice from AVTCC for £22.75 for February and March meetings £45.50.
Opening balances at Bank as at 12th January 2024
Treasurers Account 1,314.21 Business Bank Instant Account 8,927.97 Balance 10,242.18 Receipts:
9th February Interest received 9.75 Payments:
7th February AVTCC 22.75 1st February Clerks salary & expenses 113.90 1st February HMRC PAYE 26.20 Closing balances as at 7th February 2024
Treasurers Account 2,151.36 Business Bank Instant Account 7,937.72 Balance 10,089.08
11: Highways
To consider Highway matters.
12: Next meeting
To consider items for future meetings.
- To agree a date for the next Meeting (Tuesday 2nd April 2024?)
- To agree a date for the Annual Parish Meeting & Annual Parish Council meeting?
Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 5 March 2024
These minutes were approved on 2 April 2024
Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.
The meeting was opened at 7.30pm, and there were two members of the public in attendance for this meeting.
1: Open Forum
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, there were no issues raised at all in the open forum this evening.
2: Present:
Cllrs Steer (Chair), Cllr Grevatt (Vice Chair), Cllrs Hunt, Ring and Snoxall.
District Cllr Pannell. County Cllr Thomas.
Clerk, Zoe O’Sullivan.
3: Apologies for absence
Councillor Bell, due to attending a meeting. Apologies were accepted by the council.
4: Declarations of Interest
The Chairman declared an interest in the matter relating to an email from a parishioner about overgrowth on the Blackhall Lane/Ugborough Rd junction.
5: Previous Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on the 6th February 2024 were confirmed as a true record and signed, this was agreed unanimously.
6: Matters Arising
Training for defibrillator use – The clerk explained that she has worked to design a poster with Cllr Grevatt since the last meeting and this has been posted to the noticeboards and the website and has been forwarded to Diptford Parish Council Clerk to advertise as they see fit. Once numbers of anyone interested are passed to the clerk, we will arrange this with Cllr Snoxall’s colleague, date and venue to be advised in due course.
Dog Fouling – It has been noted that both replacement dog fouling signs near the cobbly walk in Avonwick has been removed again. District Cllr Pannell offered assistance in arranging further replacement signs to be erected, however it was felt this would be a waste of council resources and would just be removed again. No other issues reported this month.
Tender for grass cutting – The Chair advised that the invite to tender will be posted on noticeboards and website very shortly, clerk to action before the next meeting.
North Huish noticeboard – the clerk advised that the glass is detaching away from the external wooden frame in a couple of places, Cllr Grevatt offered to inspect this – updates to follow.
7: Reports
County Council
County Cllr Thomas attended the meeting, and gave a report on a couple of items:
The devolution consultation is still open if the parish would like to put forward their views.
DCC budget for this year – a council tax rise of 4.99%.
District Council
A report has been circulated to the council prior to the meeting, and District Cllr Pannell asked if the council would like to nominate anyone for the community awards, and to submit any nominations by the end of March. Posters have been put up on the noticeboards and website regarding energy vouchers help for parishioners.
Playpark report
Cllr Grevatt reported no issues this month, except that the entrance is very muddy now with the recent weather.
Tree Warden’s report – Nothing to report this month.
P3 Report – Cllr Ring said that two parishioners have reported that the footpath near Clunkamoor (Footpath no. 5) has been blocked off with electric fencing to keep sheep in. Clerk to report this to the footpath warden, Mr McFadden.
Cllr Snoxall advised that she has spoken to the previous P3 co-ordinator regarding the P3 paperwork, and he has no records. New surveys of the footpaths need to be carried out by councillors.
Defibrillator Report – Cllr Grevatt reported that we are just waiting on replacement pads for the Avonwick defibrillator currently, and he’s managed to speak to an electrician regarding the North Huish defibrillator - the RCD keeps tripping in the device in the telephone box, although it’s been ok recently. The electrician suggested that the electrics may benefit from being encased in a waterproof casing, Cllr Grevatt asked for a quote on this, update to follow.
District Cllr Pannell left the meeting.
8: Planning
There were no new planning applications this month.
Planning Application references 4255 & 4256/23/ARC
Description: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (Facing Materials), 5 (Windows/Doors/Sills), 6 (Eaves/Verges) and 7 (Foul Drainage) of planning consent 2636/22/HHO
Site Address: The Rock, Avonwick. TQ10 9NB.
Decision: Discharge of condition approved.
9: Correspondence
The clerk has already circulated all correspondence via email to councillors, there were two emails to note this month from parishioners as follows:
An email was received from a parishioner regarding damaged grass verges opposite Jubilee cottages in Avonwick and an allegation of dangerous driving causing this, and a couple of reflectors which have been damaged in the process. This was noted and discussed, and it was agreed to ask Highways for a couple of reflectors to replace these, any allegation of dangerous driving will need to be reported at the time to the police along with any evidence gathered.
Another email was received from a different parishioner raising an issue with the hedging and placement of the Tennis Club sign, at the junction of Blackhall Lane and Ugborough Road, reducing visibility when driving out of this junction. It was discussed and agreed to raise this issue with the landowner of the field. Clerk to action.
10: Finance
The purchase of replacement adult and child pads for the defibrillator in Avonwick was agreed, costs of £268.80 were discussed in last month’s meeting. Clerk to action as soon as possible.
Two councillors agreed to become signatories for Lloyds bank accounts as follows: Cllr Snoxall and Cllr Steer, due to Cllr Seager-Berry having left the council, and the death of Cllr Gabriel. Clerk to prepare the necessary forms and bring to the next meeting to sign off.
Two invoices were approved for payment as follows:
- Mr Widdicombe’s invoice ref 2207 for £105.60 for clearing drains in January.
- AVTCC invoice for £45.50 for February and March meetings.
Opening balances at Bank as at 12th January 2024
Treasurers Account 1,314.21 Business Bank Instant Account 8,927.97 Balance 10,242.18 Receipts:
9th February Interest received 9.75 Payments:
7th February AVTCC 22.75 1st February Clerks salary & expenses 113.90 1st February HMRC PAYE 26.20 Closing balances as at 7th February 2024
Treasurers Account 2,151.36 Business Bank Instant Account 7,937.72 Balance 10,089.08
11: Highways
County Cllr Thomas agreed to arrange for a couple of reflector posts to be replaced, as per the issue raised by a parishioner earlier under correspondence.
Cllr Steer raised an issue regarding a large hole in a patch of tarmac outside a property known as Riverdale in Avonwick, clerk to report this on the interactive map and pass the reference onto highways.
Cllr Grevatt asked the clerk to contact Mr Widdicombe to ask that he clears the ditch by the old bridge in Avonwick as it is continually flooding recently. Clerk to action.
County Cllr Thomas expressed his condolences at the recent death of Cllr Gabriel and then he left the meeting.
12: Next Meeting
The next meeting was agreed to be held on Tuesday 2nd April 2024 at 7.30pm, at Avon Vale Tennis Club.
The Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council meeting was agreed to be held on Tuesday 7th May 2024.
Meeting closed at 8.33pm.
County Council Report
County Councillor's Report March 2024
Herein my report from County Hall, concerning the recent budget meeting and Devolution proposals.
The budget for 2024/25 has been agreed, with another 4.99% rise in council tax. Bands are below:
Key Table 2 – Precept & Council Tax
£ |
County Council Budget funded by District Councils' collection funds |
529,198,103.08 |
Net Surplus on Council Tax collection in previous years |
(5,223,838.10) |
Total to be met from Council Tax Precepts in 2024/25 |
523,974,264.98 |
Valuation Band | Government Multiplier | Adult Social Care Precept | General Expenditure | 2024/25 Council Tax Devon CC | |
Ratio | % of Band D | £ | £ | £ | |
A | 6/9 | 66.7 | 165.06 | 978.72 | 1,143.78 |
B | 7/9 | 77.8 | 192.57 | 1,141.84 | 1,334.41 |
C | 8/9 | 88.9 | 220.08 | 1,304.96 | 1,525.04 |
D | 1 | 100.0 | 247.59 | 1,468.08 | 1,715.67 |
E | 11/9 | 122.2 | 302.61 | 1,794.32 | 2,096.93 |
F | 13/9 | 144.4 | 357.63 | 2,120.56 | 2,478.19 |
G | 15/9 | 166.7 | 412.65 | 2,446.80 | 2,859.45 |
H | 18/9 | 200.0 | 495.18 | 2,936.16 | 3,431.34 |
The County Council Tax for Band D represents an increase of 4.99% on the 2023/24 amount.
The headline spending figures, with this year’s figures shown on the left, are below:
Changes £000 | 2024/25 Budget £000 | |
Integrated Adult Social Care | 20,501 | 360,746 |
Children and Young People's
Futures |
21,507 | 227,785 |
Public Health, Communities & Prosperity | (755) | 20,923 |
Corporate Services | (1,310) | 48,445 |
Climate Change, Environment & Transport | 3,863 | 85,482 |
As you can see, the vast majority of spending continues to be on adult and children’s services. There is just under 5% more for the whole department that covers highways, suggesting another tough year ahead.
A fully costed opposition amendment for an extra £2million on roads, split into £1.5m for potholes and £0.5m for road lining, was defeated on party lines.
The small piece of good news is that Locality Funding seems to have gone back up to £8k per Cllr.
Public asked to have their say on Devon and Torbay devolution deal
A six-week public consultation was launched on Monday 12 February, on the draft proposal to create a Combined County Authority (CCA) for Devon and Torbay to oversee new powers and funding transferred from Government.
People are being invited to have their say on how the CCA would work, the powers that it would have and the functions it would be responsible for. These include investment in local economic growth, delivering affordable housing, improving public transport, and meeting net zero ambitions.
Further information about our joint consultation with Torbay Council and details of how to respond are available at
District Council Report
District Councillor's Report March 2024
Parish report from your District Councillors 02 March
South Hams Community Awards
Do you know people doing great things for the community?
If the answer is yes, then you can showcase their hard work, by nominating them for a South Hams Community Award.
The awards will recognise the individuals, groups and organisations who go above and beyond to support their local towns and parishes.
Read more about the awards and watch the recent video from Cllr Pannell.
The Chairman, Cllr Guy Pannell and his panel of judges are looking for nominations in three categories.
- The Young Persons Award (for under 18s)
- The Community Champion Award (for over 18s)
- The Community Organisation Award
Help us shine a spotlight on the people, groups and organisations who support our wonderful community by:
- Watching and sharing our video message from the Chairman
- Sharing our social media posts
- Directing your communities to our online nomination form
Nominations close on Sunday 31 March 2024.
Small grants for village halls
The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) grant scheme for those managing rural community buildings has now reopened with lower thresholds for smaller projects such as disability access, toilet upgrades and new kitchens.
Grants of between £2,000 and £5,000, and up to 20 per cent of eligible project costs, are on offer to new applicants.
Please share this information with your local communities.