Council Matters: Policies

You can find links to the Parish Council’s policies below.

In this section:

  • Accessibility Statement

    We have designed this website to be accessible to as many people as possible. This page describes our assessment of the site's accessibility, and how you can get in touch with us if you need us to change something.

  • Complaints Procedure

    Our procedure for dealing with complaints about the Council’s administration or its procedures.

  • Councillors' Code of Conduct

    This code of conduct has been adopted by North Huish Parish Council on 5th September 2023 and is identical to the South Hams District Councillors’ Code of Conduct, based on the Local Government Association (LGA) Model Councillor Code of Conduct.

  • Document Retention Policy

    How we store, archive and dispose of documents.

  • Equality And Diversity Policy

    North Huish Parish Council is committed to equality of opportunity for its staff and all members of its community.

  • Finance

    We may be a small council, but we still have a policy in place for handling public money.

  • Grievance Policy

    This policy sets out the arrangements for employees to raise their concerns, problems or complaints about their employment with the Parish Council.

  • Health and Safety Policy

    Our health and safety arrangements.

  • Information Available from North Huish Parish Council under the model publication scheme

    In accordance with Government requirements this Parish Council now makes available all categories of Information to any Elector of this Parish, as per Local Councils Model Publication Scheme (Core Classes only).

  • Policy on Unacceptable Actions by Individuals

    North Huish Parish Council Councillors and staff aim to provide assistance and support to anyone who seeks to use its services. However, there are occasions when it is necessary to protect Councillors and staff against unacceptable behaviour.

  • Privacy Notice

    A description of what personal data the council processes, and for what purposes, is set out in this Privacy Notice.

  • Protocol for Filming and Audio Recording of Council Meetings – The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014

    The Parish Council routinely makes and publishes sound recordings of our meetings. This policy sets out the protocol for anyone else who would like to film or record our meetings.

  • Recruitment Policy

    Our policy for fair recruitment of staff.

  • Standing Orders

    These standing orders set out how meetings should run, and are based on the NALC standard. They were adopted in October 2023