Council Matters: The Role of the Parish Council
Parish Councils are the lowest level of elected local government. Parish Councils have a surprising number of powers, although in practice most are not used.
Our statutory powers
The following is a list of our statutory powers, and a summary of how they relate to North Huish in practice.
Community centres
Power to provide and equip buildings for use of clubs having athletic, social or recreational objectives.
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 s.19
Not provided by the PC. However, a project to set up a Community Hall is being run independently of the NHPC.
Power to maintain footpaths and bridle-ways
Power to light roads and public places
Provision of litter bins
Powers to provide parking places for bicycles and motor-cycles, and other vehicles
Power to enter into agreement as to dedication and widening
Power to provide roadside seats and shelters
Consent of parish council required for ending maintenance of highway at public expense, or for stopping up or diversion of highway
Power to complain to highway authority as to unlawful stopping up or obstruction of highway or unlawful encroachment on roadside wastes
Power to provide traffic signs and other objects or devices warning of danger
Power to plant trees and lay out grass verges etc. and to maintain themHighways Act 1980, ss.43,50
Parish Councils Act 1957, s.3; Highways Act 1980, s.301
Litter Act 1983, ss.5,6
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, ss.57,63
Highways Act 1980, ss.30,72
Parish Councils Act 1957, s.1
Highways Act 1980, ss.47,116
Highways Act 1980, s.130
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s.72
Highways Act 1980, s.96
We work with the District and County Councils on road maintenance and improvement.
We have recently provided an additional bench in North Huish.
Power to deal with ponds and ditches
Public Health Act 1936, s.260
NHPC spends a limited part of our precept on maintenance of roadside gullies (buddle holes) and ditches.
Power to acquire by agreement, to appropriate, to dispose of
Power to accept gifts of landLocal Government Act 1972, ss.124, 126, 127
Local Government Act 1972, s.139
The council does not hold any land directly. Land set aside for the playpark and a possible site for a community hall are held in trust.
Provision of receptacles
Litter Act 1983, ss.5,6
We have received requests to provide a general litter bin at or near the playpark and a dog waste bin near to the permissive path from Higher Moor to Blackhall Lane. However, we have been unable to agree on the siting or cost of such bins. We understand that SHDC will not empty a dustbin within the playpark. We are unable to place a litter bin at the entrance to the permissive path, as this is private land.
Open spaces
Power to acquire land and maintain
Public Health Act 1875, s.164 Open Spaces Act 1906, ss.9 and 10
Not exercised by the PC directly. Land next to the playpark is held in trust, and was purchased as part of a Section 106 agreement by the developers of Higher Moor.
Parish documents
Powers to direct as to their custody
Local Government Act 1972, s.226
Historic records of NHPC have been transferred to the County Records Office.
Public buildings and village hall
Power to provide buildings for public meetings and assemblies
Local Government Act 1972, s.133
There are none in the parish. However, a project to set up a Community Hall is being run independently of the NHPC.
Town and country planning
Right to be notified of planning applications
Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Sched.1, para.8
We are informed of and consider planning applications accordingly. Planning applications can be viewed on South Hams District Council’s website.
Traffic calming
Powers to contribute financially to traffic calming schemes
Highways Act 1980, s.274A
We work with Devon County Council and the police on matters regarding highway safety. There have been changes made to the main Plymouth road to encourage drivers to slow down and improve the visibility at the Avon Inn. While we are aware that there are concerns about traffic through the village, there is not sufficient evidence of danger to allow further traffic calming measures at present.
Access land
Power to enforce byelaws made by another authority
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, s. 17
There is no access land within the parish.
Duty to provide allotments. Power to improve and adapt land for allotments, and to let grazing rights
Small Holdings & Allotments Act 1908, ss. 23, 26, and 42
There are no allotments within the parish. The Parish Council has looked into the provision of allotments in the past, but there has not been any land that could be made available.
Baths and washhouses
Powers relating to provision of public baths, washhouses and bathing huts
Public Health Act 1936, ss. 221 – 223 and 225 – 227
There are none within the parish.
Burial grounds, cemeteries and crematoria
Power to acquire and maintain
Power to provide
Power to agree to maintain monuments and memorials
Power to contribute towards expenses of cemeteriesOpen Spaces Act 1906, Ss 9 and 10; Local Government Act 1972, s. 214; Parish Councils and Burial Authorities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1970, s. 1
Local Government Act 1972, s. 214(6)
Not provided by the PC; the churches in the parish have their own arrangements, and enquiries about burials and graves at the churches should be addressed to the churches directly.
Bus shelters
Power to provide and maintain shelters
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953, s. 4
There are no appropriate safe sites available, and only a limited bus service in the parish.
Power to make bye-laws in regard to pleasure grounds
Cycle parks
Baths and washhouses
Open spaces and burial grounds
Mortuaries and post-mortem rooms
Public ConveniencesPublic Health Act 1875, s. 164
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s.57(7)
Public Health Act 1936, s.223
Open Spaces Act 1906, ss.15 and 12
Public Health Act 1936, s.198
Public Health Act 1936, s. 87
Not provided by the PC.
Power to provide public clocks
Parish Councils Act 1957, s.2
Not provided within the parish.
Closed churchyards
Powers as to maintenance
Local Government Act 1972, s.215
There are no closed churchyards under PC control.
Power for parish council to contribute to expense relating to scheme for the regulation and management of a common
Commons Act 1899, s.5
There are no commons in the parish.
Common pastures
Power to provide and encourage the use of facilities
Local Government Act 1972, s.144
There are no common pastures in the parish.
Crime prevention
Powers to install and maintain equipment and establish and maintain a scheme for detection or prevention of crime
Local Government and Rating Act 1997, s.31
Not provided by the PC, as this is an area with a low rate of crime.
Entertainment and the arts
Provision of entertainment and support of the arts
Local Government Act 1972, s.145
There are no arts facilities within the parish.
General powers
Power to incur expenditure for certain purposes
Local Government Act 1972, s. 137
This prescribes what we can and cannot spend public money on.
Power to accept
Local Government Act 1972, s.139
We have not received any gifts.
Power to participate in schemes of collective investment
Trustee Investments Act 1961, s.11
Details of our finances are available in our public accounts.
Powers to promote
Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976, s.7
Not exercised by the PC.
Mortuaries and post mortem rooms
Powers to provide mortuaries and post mortem rooms
Public Health Act 1936, s.198
Not exercised by the PC.
Public conveniences
Powers relating to provision of public conveniences
Public Health Act 1936, s.87
PCs are not provided by the PC.
Power to acquire land for or to provide public walks, pleasure grounds and open spaces and to manage and control them
Power to provide gymnasiums, playing fields, holiday camps
Provision of boating pools(see Local Government Act 1972, Sched.14 para.27)
Public Health Act 1875, s.164 Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890 s.44 Open Spaces Act 1906, ss.9 and 10 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19
Public Health Act 1961, s.54
Not provided by the PC. There are, however, many public footpaths and bridleways in the parish.
Power to encourage visitors and provide conference and other facilities
Local Government Act 1972, s.144
Not provided by the PC as tourism is supported by the county and district councils.
Powers in relation to car-sharing schemes, taxi fare concessions and information about transport
Powers to make grants for bus servicesLocal Government and Rating Act 1997, s.26, 28 and 29
Transport Act 1985, s.106A
Not currently provided by the PC.
War memorials
Power to maintain, repair, protect and alter war memorials
War Memorials (Local Authorities’ Powers) Act 1923, s.1; as extended by Local Government Act 1948, s.133
There are no public war memorials in the parish.
Water supply
Power to utilise well, spring or stream and to provide facilities for obtaining water from them
Public Health Act 1936, s.125
Not provided by the PC, as these are supplied by South West Water or private supplies.