Tour of Britain 2021

The Tour of Britain cycle race will be passing through Avonwick on Monday 6th September 2021.

You can find out about the tour at 

Approximate timings:

  • 11:23 The advance escort managing the race and rolling road closures (video showing that in operation here) should arrive in Avonwick
  • 11:35 – 11:40 The race should pass through Avonwick. 

Clearway through Avonwick – no parking on 6th September:

To ensure the safe passage of the race it has been necessary to implement a clearway (no waiting or parking) as the race passes through Avonwick. The length of clearway is indicated in red on the plan below, running from the 30mph sign on the Ugborough road to the Avon Inn.

Map showing Clearway in Avonwick on 6th September.

The clearway will run from 09:30 until 12:30 with signage about the clearway going up one week ahead of the event. Signs will either be A-frames or mounted to posts on highly visible yellow signs. A recovery vehicle will travel approximately 2hrs ahead of the race to remove any vehicles that are parked illegally within the clearway. A small number of cones may also be distributed along the clearway, the evening before the event.