Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 7 January 2014
Key information
Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick
Meeting time: 7.30 pm
The agenda for this meeting will be published at least three days before the meeting.
Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 7 January 2014
These minutes were approved on 4 February 2014
Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.
There were three members of the public present. The council was given an update on the progress of the Village Hall group. A request was made for funding to cover the cost of membership of the Community Council of Devon. Such funding would provide access to what was considered to be the invaluable support of, in particular, the Community Council’s Community Buildings team.
Concern was raised over the amount of soil/mud being washed onto the Brent road from the newly deforested hillside. Action clerk.
Cllr Seager-Berry – The new Play Park
Councillors Childs, Cooper, Hunt, Luscombe, Pearse Seager-Berry and District and Parish Councillor Steer.
County Councillor Vint
The MINUTES of the meeting held on 2nd December 2013 were confirmed and signed.
The play park development is now on hold until the land on which it is to be built has been transferred to the Parish. A site meeting is to be called to clarify aspects of this development.
The clerk reminded Councillors that they needed to complete and return their Code of Conduct Register, (Most Councillors have, in fact, already done this.).
County Councillor Vint had submitted a report covering his work at both County and District level.
District Councillor Steer reported that considerable work was underway on the Budget for 2014-15. This, once again, involved serious consideration as to where cuts could be made. Every effort was being given to ensuring that front line services would be maintained. It was hoped that savings could be made by cutting, for example, the provision of public toilets during the
winter months. Councillor Steer was concerned over the proposal from Devon County to change the status of some of what they consider to be little used roads to “Green Lanes”. Councillor Steer felt that many of these roads are, in fact, used more than is realised and that they form important links in the lines of communication within the local area. Incoming new regulations concerning the development of wind turbines have stimulated an upsurge in requests for planning approval for such schemes. Councillor Steer felt that there was a considerable difference in the effect of small scale developments from that of the large scale schemes that many feel are blotting the landscape. The recent problem that South West Water has been experiencing with the sewage pumping station in Avonwick is down to the presence of flood water in the sewage system. This should not be happening but there is little that can be done until the amount of flood water has decreased. Councillor Steer expressed his sympathy for those who have been adversely affected by the continual presence of the tankers needed to cope with the problem.
There was no Police Report. It seems that the Police are reluctant to provide either a monthly report or a Police Surgery. Clerk is working with the clerk of Diptford Parish to try to encourage the Police to continue with what had been a valued part of their work.
Approval had been given to the building of a two storey extension at 2 Horsebrook Barn, Avonwick The Council supported an application for a change of use at Coombe Norris Cottage, North Huish
Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows:
- SHDC Section 106 agreement – play park/village hall. Council to engage a solicitor to deal with this. Action Cllr Childs.
- Western Power Distribution workshop invitation. Noted
- Ms L Granados – Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. Action clerk.
- Higher Moor Management Company. Action clerk.
Balance c/f 7408.31 Expenditure (grant) 200.00 Income (interest) 0.23 Balance c/f 7208.54
This balance is made up as follows:
P3 money 149.40 Community fund 1685.68 Council funds 5373.46 Total 7208.54
The clerk was asked to determine what the lengthsman intended to do with the day’s work that had been allocated to the Parish.
Culverts were reported to be in need of repair in Horsebrook and Avonwick (Woodland Farm and Black Hall) Potholes were reported at Bickham. Overgrowing hedges were reported at Diptford and an overhanging tree reported at Langford Barton. Action clerk.
Woodpecker site planning and Broadband provision.
Tuesday 4th February 2014 at 7.30pm at St James Church, Avonwick.