Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

The agenda for this meeting will be published at least three days before the meeting.

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 4 February 2014

These minutes were approved on 4 March 2014

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.


There was one member of the public present. The Council was made aware of the concerns of parishioners over the anti-social behaviour of one person living in Avonwick. It seems that he is responsible for most of the bags of dog “poo” being left on the permissive path. A more considerate villager has attempted to gather up the offending bags but it is felt that until the offender is correctly dealt with by the authorities then the repulsive behaviour will continue. The same person also permitted his dog to chase cows from a field onto the road. It was suggested that his name should be forwarded to the South Hams dog warden for appropriate action to be taken. Parishioners are urged to use the dog warden’s email to

report any such dog fouling that they witness.

The Council is in negotiations over the appointment of a solicitor to carry out the transfer of the play park land to the Council.


Councillors Seager-Berry and Steer declared an interest in the Play Park. Councillors Steer and Vint declared an interest in the Planning Application for Solar Panels at Coombeshead Farm


Councillors Childs, Cooper, Hunt, Luscombe, Pearse Seager-Berry, District and Parish Councillor Steer and County Councillor Vint


The MINUTES of the meeting held on 7th January 2014 were confirmed and signed.


The Council was informed of progress being made on the new Play Park in Avonwick. The play equipment has been ordered. South Hams Planners have confirmed that, as long as it complies with certain constraints, the equipment can be installed as “permitted development” and needs no further planning consent. It is hoped to have the park up and running by Easter. The Council thanked Councillor Childs for the work that she has put into the play park development and asked that she should pass its thanks on to the rest of her hard working committee.


County Councillor Vint reported on the recent work of the County in setting its budget. He stated that many Councillors, having scrutinised a sizeable collection of proposed cuts, were amazed to have presented to them, almost as a “fait accompli” further secret cuts that they had not been given notice of or time to examine. He has doubts as to whether the county will stick to its stated aim to protect the vulnerable while allowing the general public to cope with the cuts.

District Councillor Steer reported that the budget increase in the South Hams would be set at 1.9%. Car park charges will be frozen at present levels. Councillor Steer informed the council that future planning concerns included those of a proposed wind turbine at Dittisham and a travellers site at Wembury.

Councillor Seager-Berry reported on a recent meeting held by the Flood Group in Avonwick. Considerable work has been undertaken already and the group has been promised supplies of appropriate resources from the Flood Resilience manager at Devon County Council. Councillor Seager-Berry spoke highly of the work of individual villagers within Avonwick.

The clerk reported on a meeting that he had had with Police Sergeant Oakley, the Neighbourhood Team leader, concerning the lack of communication with the new Beat Officer.  It was agreed that Councillors would be sent emails to update them with crimes committed within the parish and that this information would then be made available to parishioners. It was also agreed that a Police Surgery would be held in Avonwick once a month.


The Council made no comment concerning the proposed Solar Panel farm at Coombeshead Farm.  The Council raised no objection to a Retrospective Application for a replacement barn at Whetcombe Lodge, North Huish but asked that suitable screening should be put in place to preserve the natural beauty of the area. Support was given to the application for live/work units on the old Woodpecker site, South Brent, with the request that developers should include improved broad band facilities for the Parish as part of the development.


Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows:

The Council declined a request from the Parochial Church Council of St. Mary’s, Diptford with North Huish, for funding towards the parish magazine.

A letter from the Highways Department, Devon County Council, stating that aspects of their work including gully cleaning, lengthsmen visits, routine patching and cleaning of ditches and easements would be suspended for the rest of this financial year was noted.

The clerk was asked to seek further clarification from South Hams District Council concerning Code of Conduct requirements.



Balance c/f 7208.54
Income (interest) 0.25
Balance c/f 7208.79


This balance is made up as follows:


 P3 money 149.40
Jubilee fund 1685.93
Council funds 5373.46
Total 7208.79



Councillor Vint provided the Council with detailed maps of the parish showing the  County’s proposals for future road maintenance. These will be considered by Councillors and responded to.


Tuesday 4th March 2014   at 7.30pm at St James Church, Avonwick.