Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

Sound Recording You can download the audio recording for this meeting or use the player embedded in this page after the download link. Download the audio file here.

PDF of the Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Download the Agenda (PDF, 47.3 KB)

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 2 July 2019

These minutes were approved on 27 August 2019

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.


The Council was made aware of concerns over the parking of vehicles on the junction of the North Huish road in Avonwick. Clerk to write to car owners.

The renewed Cobbly Way information panel is now in place. Thanks were made to Sean Cousins for his work.

Concern was raised over a skate board park at Charford Barn. Clerk to seek advice on this from the planning department.


Councillors Gabriel, Grevatt, Hunt Luscombe, Seager-Berry, District Councillor Pannell, and County Councillor Hosking.


Councillors Bell, Smerdon and Steer


The MINUTES of the meeting held the on 4th June 2019 were confirmed and signed. Proposed Cllr.Seager-Berry seconded Cllr. Grevatt.


There had been no further reports concerning the suspicious behaviour of white vans in the area.

It is understood from Pentland First Port that the repair to the fence along the permissive footpath is in hand.


County Councillor Hosking reported that the condition of the road surface of

Pennystone Lane is to be checked by the Highways department. Highways is also to look at the speed of traffic through North Huish.

District Councillor Pannell told the Council of action being undertaken to improve the performance of the planning department at Follaton House. He reported on a recent meeting that he had attended at Rattery Village hall looking at strategies to combat crime and share community safety initiatives. He also informed the Council of concerns over the behaviour of gangs in Newton Abbot.


The Council supported an application for changes at Penson including the swimming pool area.

The Council supported an application for further use of the solar park at Morleigh.

The Council raised concerns over developments at Coombe House, North Huish. Action clerk


Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows:

Cllr Grevatt updated the Council on matters concerning the possible use of the ‘phone box at North Huish as a defibrillator station. Potential problems over the ownership of the box were mentioned. Cllr. Hunt to investigate.

Correspondence had been received from a councillor at South Brent Council concerning a statement made at the June meeting of our Council. The Councillor concerned wished it noted that the thoughts expressed were his own thoughts, not those of the Council, and that he had not intended to cause any offence and apologised should such offence have been caused to anyone.

Councillors were reminded that their declarations of interest should be sent to both South Hams District Council and to Cllr Grevatt for inclusion on the Parish website.


Balance c/f  8,388.05
Income (interest)  0.35
Expenditure (buddle holes)  24.00
Expenditure (insurance)  353.66
Expenditure (Defib pads)  66.00
Balance c/f  7,944.74


The Council agreed to the pay for the work carried out on the Cobbly Way sign, proposed Cllr Hunt, seconded Cllr Seager-Berry and to make a donation to Avonwick Church Council in recognition of the Council’s use of the vestry. Proposed Cllr Luscombe seconded Cllr Hunt


The Council was informed that following recent damage attention was being given to restricting the width of vehicles using Gara Bridge.


North Huish ‘Phone box.


Tuesday 27th August 2019 at 7.30pm at St James’s Church, Avonwick.

Additional Documents

PDF of the Approved Minutes

Download the Approved Minutes (PDF, 47.4 KB)