Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

Sound Recording You can download the audio recording for this meeting or use the player embedded in this page after the download link. Download the audio file here.

PDF of the Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Download the Agenda (PDF, 48.1 KB)

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 3 December 2019

These minutes were approved on 4 January 2020

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.


A number of potholes were reported. The best way to deal with these is to report them on line to Devon Highways. Anyone can do this. Blocked buddle holes were reported on Black Hall hill and at the junction of the North Huish road in Avonwick. The possible collapse of the storm water drain at the garage in Avonwick was reported. The finger post at the junction at Brookdale is in need of attention.

Considerable concern was raised by parishioners over the application for further development of the stables at Newpark, North Huish. It was noted that the previous planning permission was granted for stables for three horses for the use of the applicant. A condition of the planning approval was that the stables were not to be used for business or professional use. The Council was shown evidence from Face Book that there has been a change of use and that the stables are now being used for commercial purposes. It was suggested that the proposed Manege would increase the business use and thereby generate increased traffic use on the road serving the stables.


Councillors Bell, Gabriel, Grevatt, Hunt, Luscombe, Seager-Berry, District Councillor Pannell and County Councillor Hosking.


Councillor Steer.


The MINUTES of the meeting held the on 5th November 2019 were confirmed and signed. Proposed Cllr. Bell seconded Cllr. Hunt.


The fence bordering the permissive path had still not been attended to. The Council was informed that South Hams District Council no longer supplies sand bags for defence against flooding. It was decided to buy in our own supplies.


County Councillor Hosking reported that there had been a considerable number of potholes reported to Highways. Other damage had been caused by the recent weather. The Highways department is dealing with the situation by prioritising work that was causing safety concerns.

Cllr. Hosking informed the Council of a number of funding possibilities available to the Council.

He also told the Council of the success of a summer reading challenge organised for the Counties’ children.

Cllr. Hosking updated the Council on the work of the County Council on climate change.

District Councillor Pannell Informed the Council that a recent survey had shown an increase in the satisfaction of those using South Hams customer services. He asked people to be aware of particular recycling needs over Christmas. Metallic wrapping paper should not be recycled. Clean silver foil (e.g. from mince pies) should be put in the waste sacks for plastic and/or tin cans.


The Council considered the evidence provided in the Open Forum concerning the request for further development at Newpark Stables. It was agreed to oppose the application on the following grounds:

Impact on the Countryside in this AONB.

Impact on highways.

Impact on neighbours.

The Council was concerned over the use of the premises for commercial purposes


Specific items of CORRESPONDENCE were noted as follows:

Request to support the Local Electricity Bill. To be looked at again at the next meeting



Balance c/f  8,975.18
Income int.  0.41
Exp, website  17.99
Balance  8.957.60


The Proposed Budget for 2020-2021 was accepted:

Planned Income


Balance b/f 6,800.00
Precept 4.000.00
Interest  3.00
Totals 10.803.00


Planned Expenditure


Insurance 360.00
Church donation 220.00
DALC subs 120.00
 Buddle hole rep. 1,000.00
 Park maintenance 1,000.00
 2019 election exp. 707.00
 Contingency 7,396.00

Contingency Funds

Salary 4.500,00
Contingency 2,896.00



North Huish ‘Phone Box

still waiting on site owners. Cllrs Bell and Hunt proposed that the box should be purchased when it is made available by BT. Passed.

Mobile ‘phone signal.

Cllr Grevatt informed the Council that some providers will make signal boosters available at a cost to consumers. It was proposed that a survey of households in Avonwick should take place in the New Year to establish an accurate record of signal strength in the area.


Mobile ‘phone signals in Avonwick. Web site accessibility


Tuesday 14th January 2020 at 7.30pm at St James’s Church, Avonwick.

Additional Documents

PDF of the Approved Minutes

Download the Approved Minutes (PDF, 54.4 KB)