Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Key information

Meeting location: Avon Vale Tennis and Croquet Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick, TQ10 9EJ

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

Sound Recording You can download the audio recording for this meeting or use the player embedded in this page after the download link. Download the audio file here.

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Agenda for the NHPC meeting to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7th November 2023 at Avon Vale Tennis Club, Black Hall Lane, Avonwick. TQ10 9EJ.

1:             Open Forum

For parishioners to raise matters of concern relevant to the work of the Parish Council.

(NB matters concerning other bodies e.g. SWW, SHDC and DCC should normally be referred directly to such bodies.  The Parish Council would try to assist where difficulties arise after such a referral has taken place.)

2:             Present

3:             Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence (if any)

4:             Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest (if any)

5:             Previous Minutes

To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October 2023.

6:             Matters Arising

Update on attenuation pond at Higher Moor not working.

Dog fouling signage near the cobbly walk.

7:             Reports

To receive Reports from

  1. County Councillor Thomas
  2. District Councillor Pannell or Hancock
  3. Play Park inspection
  4. Tree Warden Report
  5. P3 Co-ordinator Report

8:             Planning

To consider Planning Applications and to note decisions:

No planning applications to note this month which require any statutory consultation with the parish council. No decisions or withdrawn applications to note.

9:             Correspondence

To consider correspondence received.

  • Request from Ring n Ride for financial support, clerk has emailed a copy out to councillors.
  • Email from Anthony Mangnall MP re: police hubs dealt with by the clerk. Cllr Grevatt to update the council.

10:      Finance

To note recent and future income and expenditure.

An invoice has been received from Jolt for wordpress hosting 08/11/23-07/11/24 for £26.34 – Clerk is in the process of paying this by card and then will claim back on expenses if agreed, as company doesn’t accept BACS payment. Clerk dealing. (Already approved in budget)

Opening balances at Bank as at 14th September 2023

Treasurers Account  2,712.15
Business Bank Instant Account  8,890.60
Balance 11,602.75


9th October Interest received  8.18


1st October Clerks salary & expenses  107.85
1st October HMRC PAYE  24.00

Closing balances as at 9th October 2023

Treasurers Account  2,580.30
Business Bank Instant Account  8,898.78
Balance 11,479.08

11:      Highways

To consider Highway matters.

  • Previous queries raised by Cllr Grevatt to County Cllr Thomas, any updates.
  • Fingerpost at Horsebrook junction in Avonwick is leaning, reported to the clerk by a local resident.
  • Visibility at Church Walk to Blackhall Lane junction obscured by vegetation, reported to clerk by a local resident.

12:      Next meeting

  • To consider items for future meetings.
  • To agree a date for the next Meeting (Tuesday 5th December 2023?)
Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 7 November 2023

These minutes were approved on 5 December 2023

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.

1:      Open Forum

The meeting opened at 7.32pm. The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, and explained how members of the public can participate in the meeting. Three members of the public attended this meeting.

A local resident expressed his dissatisfaction re: the unauthorised track having not been removed fully or put back to the original condition of the land at Butterford, and the decision by the enforcement team to close the case as resolved. Two other residents shared their concerns on this, and the Chairman advised that the Parish Council shared their concerns over this, however he also explained that the Parish Council have limited powers regarding this, and therefore the ultimate decisions are made by the District Council.

Another local resident expressed their concern that this kind of situation could potentially mis-lead other landowners into thinking that they can go ahead with other works on their land, and put in retrospective applications, or simply think there is no consequence to not following any enforcement necessary.

It was requested that the Parish Council write to the enforcement team, as well as District Councillors to express their concerns and dissatisfaction regarding this matter. Clerk to action.

Cllr Gabriel made an observation regarding car parking issues at the recent fireworks event held by the Avon Inn on 4th November. It was reported that there were a lot of cars parked all through the village and along Blackhall Lane, instead of parking in the designated field. It was also reported that there was no signage to the field if drivers were coming from Totnes direction or indeed any other direction apart from the Woodpecker junction/South Brent direction. There were also concerns expressed of pedestrians including children, walking from the designated field along the main road for a distance, with no footpath and little lighting to get to the event. It was suggested that perhaps as a Parish Council we could approach the Avon Inn before next year’s planned event to offer assistance in providing some safety equipment ie traffic cones etc if possible then.

2:      Present:

Cllrs Steer (Chair), Cllr Grevatt (Vice Chair), Cllrs Gabriel, Hunt, Ring and Snoxall.

Cllr Grevatt took notes in this meeting, as the clerk was unable to attend.

3:  Apologies for absence

District Cllr Pannell (Dartmoor National Parks meeting), and Cllr Bell (Prior appointment). Apologies were accepted by the council.

4:  Declarations of Interest

Cllr Steer (Chairman) declared an interest in the fireworks event discussed in Open Forum.

5:  Previous Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd October 2023 were confirmed and signed, following a minor amendment to the name of Mrs Seager-Berry. It was agreed unanimously that these were a true record and were signed by the Chairman.

6:  Matters Arising

Update on attenuation pond at Higher Moor – the clerk has found that the management company Firstport are responsible for the maintenance of this as part of the Section 106 agreement when the Higher Moor Development was built. She has been in touch with their local officer for the area, who has advised that he will have a look at this on his next site visit. Updates to follow – Clerk to chase for update.

Dog Fouling Signs – the clerk did arrange for sings to be erected in the Cobbly walk riverbank area, and these stayed up for all of two days before being removed by persons unknown. It was agreed that the clerk contact the district council, and councillors, to request that these be replaced by a solution that is more suitable ie fixed to street furniture. Clerk to action.

7:  Reports

County Council

County Cllr Thomas was not present at this meeting; he has submitted a brief report in an email which has been circulated to the council, and a copy will be published on the website as well.

District Council

A report has been circulated to the council and will be published with the minutes on the website. No District Councillors were present in the meeting.

Playpark report

Cllr Gabriel reported that everything is fine, he carried out a minor repair to the entrance gate to the park this month, no issues to report this month.

Tree Warden’s report – Cllr Bell was not present in the meeting, but had spoken to the Chairman regarding some work being done at Manor Cross on a pony paddock, update to follow next month.   

P3 Report – Nothing major to report this month.  

8:  Planning

Applications – None to note this month, that require any statutory consultation with the Parish Council. There were no decisions or withdrawn applications to note either.

9:  Correspondence

The clerk has circulated all correspondence via email to councillors, an email was received from Ring n Ride to request financial support from the council, the clerk requested information on how many parishioners use their service, but there are currently no parishioners who use this service, so it was agreed not to offer financial support on this occasion. Cllr Ring suggested this may be because some residents do not know about the service, Cllr Grevatt pointed out that information on how to access the service is available on the Parish and community websites locally. Clerk to send a reply.

Cllr Grevatt briefed the council regarding a request received a while ago from Devon and Cornwall Police via Anthony Mangnall MP, to ask if they could use a public building like a Village Hall or similar, to provide a local hub in order to hold meetings with residents occasionally, or Police surgeries infrequently. The clerk responded at the time to say that the Parish Council don’t have a Village Hall unfortunately for this purpose, but that we hold our monthly meetings at the Avon Vale Tennis Club currently, and suggested that they may wish to approach them separately to see if this would be something they may be amenable to. The Tennis Club have since been in touch with Cllr Grevatt to say they are not happy to accommodate this by providing 24/7 access to the police unless the council is willing to be involved in this, by helping to organise and facilitate planned meetings there, ie to act as co-ordinators. It was discussed by councillors in the meeting, and it was decided that the council would not have the resources to do this, and also whose responsibility would it fall to, if something went wrong etc? The Chairman did point out that the Police have attended previous Parish Council meetings, and they are more than welcome to attend future meetings, however it was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Hunt that the Parish Council are not in favour of getting involved on this occasion. Clerk to contact the Tennis Club to advise of the council’s decision.

10:  Finance

Cllr Gabriel advised that he spoke to John Widdicombe and proposed the figure of £1,200 budget for his work in the parish, however Mr Widdicombe proposed a figure of £2,000 would be more amenable. It was unanimously agreed to go back to him with a revised budget figure of £1,400 and if he knows he’s getting close to this figure to let us know, and any ad hoc work to be advised to the council for prior approval.

An invoice has been received from Jolt for wordpress hosting 08/11/23-07/11/24 for £26.34 – The clerk has already paid this by her personal card, since the company does not accept BACS payment or cheque, and will claim back on expenses if agreed, this was unanimously agreed by the council.

Opening balances at Bank as at 14th September 2023

Treasurers Account  2,712.15
Business Bank Instant Account  8,890.60
Balance 11,602.75


9th October Interest received  8.18


1st October Clerks salary & expenses  107.85
1st October HMRC PAYE  24.00

Closing balances as at 9th October 2023

Treasurers Account  2,580.30
Business Bank Instant Account  8,898.78
Balance 11,479.08

11:  Highways

Cllr Grevatt had a response from County Cllr Thomas regarding junction work when Church Walk was built, and whether it was all completed at the time, the junction from the Ugborough Rd, and Blackhall Lane. County Cllr Thomas responded that the entrance work at Church Walk was carried out correctly, but that there’s been no comment to the proposed works at the Ugborough Road itself.

Finger post sign at the Horsebrook junction in Avonwick leaning – Clerk to contact Highways regarding this.

Cllr Ring raised the issue of a big pothole spotted in the road between Avonwick and the Woodpecker junction – however this has already been repaired within the last day or so.

Cllr Ring also raised an issue at Bickham Bridge, with debris fallen into the river. Clerk to contact Diptford PC.

Cllr Grevatt advised the council that the repair to the bank at the Cobbly Walk has held in the recent rainstorms, however the earthworks on top of the stonework have washed away. P3 Co-ordinator Cllr Snoxall to report this to the rights of way officer.

12: Next Meeting

Items for future meetings:

  • Update on Attenuation pond.
  • Dog Fouling Signs.
  • Highways issues previously raised.

The next meeting was agreed to be held on Tuesday 5th December at 7.30pm, at Avon Vale Tennis Club.

Meeting closed at 8.08pm.

District Council Report

District Councillor's Report November 2023

Parish report from your District Councillors November 6th

Rollout of the Devon Aligned Service

The final rollout of the Devon Aligned Service (DAS) for our recycling and waste collections will begin later this month, on 20 November. Since bringing the service back in-house in October 2022, we have been delivering three different types of recycling and waste collections to residents. We're now making the final changes so that all residents can recycle the same materials, including food waste and glass, at the kerbside. Every household across the District will be affected by the changes in one way or another. For some, it will just mean a change in their collection day. For others, it will mean they need to change how they present their recycling and waste on the kerbside. We are writing to all households in the South Hams explaining the changes and what it means for them. Residents will start to receive these letters from Monday, 6 November.  If residents have not received their new boxes they should report this via the SHDC website.

Rural England Prosperity Fund grants

Further to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme, the Government awarded a further £838,000 of capital funding to SHDC through the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF). This fund has a more narrow scope than the UKSPF programme, needing to align with our UKSPF activities, and having a strong focus on decarbonisation, clean growth and business diversification and community activities. The investment plan was submitted in November 2022, and the funding was approved in April 2023.

  • The 4 grants available are:
    • Decarbonisation Grants
    • Clean Diversification Grants
    • Agri-Tech Adoption Grants
    • Community Resilience Grants
  • Details of these schemes are available through the Council’s website, along with guidance documents, policy documents and the online application forms at:
  • Further to these grants, part of the funding (approximately £300,000) has also been allocated for the delivery of active and inclusive travel infrastructure. However, the programme is flexible, and funding can be allocated to projects where demand is high, and reduced from projects where demand is low.
  • Promotional activities are being coordinated to raise awareness of the programme to our businesses and communities. This information will be shared with members. With the grants having gone live in the last few weeks, specific communications activities are being developed to drive traffic to the Council’s website. 2 email addresses have also been set up to help funnel grant enquiries to the Place and Economy team. Members are welcome to share these addresses with organisations that are interested in the grants:

Community Action

South Hams Community Action is holding two events in the next few months that will be of interest to you and your residents:

Mini-conference: Caring organisations
Tuesday 21 November, 10am to 2pm, at Follaton House, Totnes.

All are welcome to our mini conference where Claire Hill, Totnes Caring; Liz Hitchens/Steven Parker Davidson, Four Rivers Dementia Alliance; and Suzie Walters-Jefferies, Devon Carers will talk about the work they are undertaking in the South Hams.  The aim of this first mini conference is to enable our caring organisations to network, to learn what other organisations are doing, and also to consider the potential to join together with a future district-wide alliance/peer-support network (around funding and other needs). It will be useful for community leaders to attend to see what is being undertaken and the needs of our groups. There will be a networking lunch from 1pm-2pm. If you would like to attend either in person or via Teams, please email:

Funding support day

Hold the date! Monday 4 December 2023, (times tbc) at Tumbly Hill, Kingsbridge

Funding bodies, including the National Lottery team, will provide more information on their funding streams and answer questions from attendees. There will also be a workshop on 'How to write a successful bid'.

Please can you disseminate this information to your community and voluntary groups? Your groups can register interest for the event at this stage as we will need to limit numbers for the sessions. For more information, please email