Parish Council meeting: Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Key information

Meeting location: The Church of St James, Avonwick

Meeting time: 7.30 pm

Sound Recording You can download the audio recording for this meeting or use the player embedded in this page after the download link. Download the audio file here.

PDF of the Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Download the Agenda (PDF, 46.2 KB)

Approved Minutes

Approved Minutes for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 5 December 2017

These minutes were approved on 9 January 2018

Please noteEvery care has been taken to present this accessible copy of the minutes with accuracy, but the formal record of the meeting remains the signed paper copy of the minutes.


There were no members of the public present. The Council was informed that at a recent meeting of the Feofees only two grants were made to parishioners. These grants, which are funded by the income from the rental of a field owned by the trustees, are intended to give assistance to anyone living within the parish who has need of such support.  Anyone aware of parishioners who would benefit from such support is asked to contact one of the feofee trustees – Mr John Hall, Mr Jonathan Bell, Mr Mike Bradley, Mrs Maggie Luscombe, Cmdr. Andrew Mitchell, Mrs Valerie Pearse and Mrs Marigold Seager-Berry.



Councillors Gabriel, Grevatt, Hunt, Luscombe, Seager-Berry, District and Parish Councillor Steer and County Councillor Hosking.


Councillor Bell.


The MINUTES of the meeting held on 15th November 2017 were confirmed and signed. Proposed Cllr. Steer seconded Cllr Seager-Berry


County Councillor Hosking reported that the County would have a £22million reduction in government funding for the year 2018-19. This would inevitably mean both an increase in Council Tax and a need to make savings in the budget. Cllr. Hosking informed the Council that the County intended to take back “in house” certain public health expenditure. This would include some nursing activities such as those of health visitor and school nurses. Parishioners were encouraged by Cllr. Hosking to be aware of the need to watch out for any activity that could be related to terrorism. Anything suspicious should be reported  on Freephone 0800 789321.  He also wished to make parishioners aware of the support services available to those experiencing domestic abuse – ‘phone 03451 551074.

District Councillor Steer told the Council of the tough choices being made by the South Hams Council in deciding its budget. Services such as public toilet provision could be at risk in order to protect front line services. He told the Council of recent planning work including  the provision of battery storage for locally produced electricity at Staverton and developments at Bovisand Fort, Wembury where  permission for a Visitor Centre, apartments and housing was granted.



Balance c/f 8,919.80
Income (interest) 0.38
Balance c/f 8,920.18


This balance is made up as follows:


P3 money 149.40
Council funds 8,770.78
Total 8,920.18 


The budget for 2018-19 was unanimously agreed (see below).  This included an increase to the precept of £500. Proposed Cllr.Steer, seconded Cllr. Seager-Berry .

Projected Budget for 2018-2019


Planned Income
Balance b/f 7,000.00
Precept 2,464.00
CTSG 36.00
Interest 3.00
Totals 9,503.00
Planned Expenditure
Insurance 400.00
Church Donation 220.00
DALC subs 100.00
Playpark ins & insp. 140.00
Park Maintenance 1,000.00
Buddle hole repair  1,000.00
Contingency 6,643.00
Contingency Funds
Salary contingency 4,500.00
Park Contingency 2,143.00


It was agreed to include the cost of cleaning of road signs in the parish within the budget for road maintenance. (Buddle Holes).

It was agreed to pay an invoice for the grass and hedge maintenance of the play park.

The clerk raised his concern over the inspection of the play park. Action Cllr. Steer.


A defibrillator for North Huish.


Tuesday 9th  January 2018 at 7.30pm at St James’s Church, Avonwick.


Additional Documents

PDF of the Approved Minutes

Download the Approved Minutes (PDF, 61.1 KB)