Council Matters: Recruitment Policy
North Huish Parish Council is an Equal Opportunities employer. The aim of the Council’s Recruitment and Selection Policy is to ensure that the Council select the most suitable person for the job on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities and that no employee/job applicant is unfairly treated on any grounds including:
- race
- colour
- nationality
- ethnic or national origins
- religion
- sex
- sexuality
- actual or perceived AIDS/HIV status or perceived association with an HIV positive person
- marital status
- age
- social background
- disability
The Council will achieve the aims of the Recruitment and Selection Policy by ensuring that:
- Vacancies reach as wide a pool of potential applicants as practicable.
- There are clear job descriptions and objective person specifications for every job.
- Procedure and code of good practice for recruitment and selection for appointment or promotion, is followed by every Manager, Supervisor and Employee involved in recruitment and Selection staff involved in the recruitment and selection process are given adequate training on the Council’s Policy and Procedures and their responsibilities.
- Unlawful and unfair practices are not introduced by monitoring/reviewing its policy and procedures.
- Positive action is taken to make this policy fully effective including steps to encourage applications from under-represented groups i.e. women, black and ethnic minority groups and people with difficulties.
Any vacancies on the Parish Council will be advertised.