Council Matters: Budget 2024-25

Planned Income (£)

Balance b/f 9728.81
Precept 5000.00
Interest 40.00
Total income

Planned Expenditure (£)

Insurance 400.00
Monthly meeting room hire costs 250.00
DALC subs 135.00
Highway drainage maintenance 1700.00
Play park grass cutting 800.00
Play park maintenance 100.00
Website costs 100.00
Clerk’s salary & expenses 1720.00
Election expenses 161.00
Debrillator pads 180.00
Training expenses 30.00
Contingency 9192.81
Total Expenditure 14768.81

Contingency Funds (£)

Contingency 9192.81
Total Contingency 9192.81

NB – The Band D parish rate will be £22.71 per year, representing no increase on 2023/24, as we are setting the same Precept in the budget this year.